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IPL 2025 Highlights, SRH vs RR: Ton-Up Ishan Kishan Powers Sunrisers Hyderabad to 44-run victory against Rajasthan Royals

IPL 2025 Highlights, SRH vs RR: Ton-Up Ishan Kishan Powers Sunrisers Hyderabad to 44-run victory against Rajasthan Royals



IPL 2025, SRH vs RR: Sunrisers Hyderabad established its supremacy in T20-Cricket after destroying the record for most 250-plus totals in the size on Sunday.

In the current 18th edition of the Indian Premier League, the Sunrisers opened their campaign where they had left.

The burning display with the bat enchanted the spectators while scripping the story of a total of 250 run. With a Swashbuckling version on a show, SRH offered its way to 286/6 against Rajasthan Royals.

This was the fourth copy of SRH that broke past the 250-plus total in T20's, the highest by each side in the size. For their outing on Sunday, SRH was bound with Surrey for most 250-plus totals in T20s.

The Sunrisers continued what they had done since the past season. The hosts decimated the royals in their cave. Abhishek Sharma struck as if there was no morning, while Travis Head did not leave any stone to cause damage in Hyderabad.

After Abhishek lost his scalp as he tried to hit aggressively, ISHAN came in to raise the bar of the Power hitting. While Travis Head continued his company, Kishan wiped a scratch start and started to go boundaries.

With his first border he got a pinch of the chance to score runs and embraced it with a bright smile. He ran to his fifty in 25 balls and then peeled off in 45 deliveries for a century.

After the resignation of Kishan, Heinrich Klaasen and Nitish Kumar Reddy ruthlessly strived the blueprint behind to reach the 300-Run Mark. The royals bounced back by putting a lid on the scoring speed of Sunrisers in the middle of the middle.

Although he was confronted with a small setback, SRH managed to make its way to 286/6, which sets a Herculean task for Rajasthan Royals. In response, the visitors waged Sanju Samson (66) and Dhurv Jurget (70) a war for the royals on the hosts.

However, the question rate turned out to be too much. A late increase in Shimron Hetmyer and Shubham Dubey was not enough to save a victory for the royals when they surrendered to a 44-run defeat.

XIS play
Rajasthan Royals: YaShasvi Jaiswal, Shubham Dubey, Nitish Rana, Riyan Parag (C), Dhruv Jurget (W), Shimron Hetmyer, Jofra Archer, Maheesh Theekhana, Tushar Dshpande, Sandep Sharama, Fazalhaq Farooqi

Sunrisers Hyderabad: Travis Head, Abhishek Sharma, Ishan Kishan (W), Nitish Kumar Reddy, Heinrich Klaasen, Aniket Verma, Abhinav Manohar, Pat Cummins (C), Simarjeet Singh, Simarjeet Singh, Harshal Patel, Mohammed Shami




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