Beautiful seventh for Pitchford and Ho!

Liam Pitchford and Tin-Tin Ho wipe their seventh singles titles at the Mark Bates Ltd National Championships on a dramatic final day in Nottingham.
Tin-Tin HO is again the ladies singles champion after organizing an epic comeback in a seven-s-thriller against her young opponent Tianer Yu-a record-similar seventh title while moving in the list of all time in the list of Jill Parker.
Yu quickly came out of the blocks and dictated the piece in the first half of the game with a 3-0 lead, 11-7, 11-9, 11-5.
Ho looked stunned in the third when Yu clinical shot performed after shot against her experienced opponent and the ball quickly moved around the table.

But Tin-Tin made all her experience and an important time-out on 7-7 in the fourth helped to change the complexion of the competition.
The momentum shifted from that time-out and an excellent change in tactics brought Tin-Tin back into the game, which brought the score to 3-2.
Tianer seemed to be losing confidence when Tin-Tin continued her ruthless Vechtback, unchanged mistakes that crack in the sixth game in her game, allowing her opponent to level herself and brought the game in a seventh and last match as the semi-final of last year between the two.
And what a competition it was, the women going point by point with some sparkling rallies that kept the crowd in the David Ross Sports Village on the edge of their seats. But it was Tin-Tin who earned the Supreme Rule and earned her seventh title in what was certainly her hardest fought final.

Earlier, in the semi-final, Yu came across Jasmin Wong in five, stepped on the gas after losing the first 19-21 to take the next four 11-2, 11-5, 11-7, 11-4.
Tin-Tin played a classic against Sophie Earley, experience in making the difference in the decisive seventh game while HO took 4-3 (12-10, 8-11, 11-7, 6-11, 16-18, 11-5, 11-5).
Yu and Earley will certainly have their day in the coming years.
Liam Pitchford underlined his position at the top of English table tennis while he also stormed at his seventh title of Messrs Singles and an impressive 4-0 victory over David McBeath supplied in the final.
From the very first point, Pitchford set the tone, racing through the opening match with an emphatic 11-1 victory. McBeath struggled his aggressive game and determining accuracy to find a foot on the ground in the game.
McBeath saw the second game fight back, determined to shift the momentum. He pushed Pitchford hard and forced a much tighter match, but England no. 1 held his nerve and stood 12-10 to strengthen his grip on the final.

With confidence rising trust, Pitchford took full control in the remaining two sets. His tactical precision and ruthless attacking game turned out to be too much for McBeath, who could not break the dominance of his opponents. Pitchford sealed the competition 11-8, 11-5 victories, with which a national crown in style was safeguarded.
This newest triumph contributes to Pitchfords that confirms the already shimmering career, his status as one of the most decorated players in England and moves him in second place in second place, next to Paul Drinkhall.
In the semi-final Pitchford Renaissance-Man Andrew Baggaley, who won the last of his three national titles in 2010 by beating Pitchford with 4-3.
This time, it as 4-2 (11-9, 6-11, 12-10, 11-9, 9-11, 16-14) to Pitchford.
The other semi was a classic when McBeath two-time winner Tom Jarvis 4-3 sank, after seeing two competition points coming and going in the sixth and then saving in the seventh.
The last, epic Scoreline was 4-3 (3-11, 10-12, 11-8, 11-9, 11-7, 11-13, 12-10).
Photos by Michael loved, the official photographer of Table Tennis England.
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