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Michigan Football CB Will Johnson takes a huge fall in the latest NFL Mock Draft '25

Michigan Football CB Will Johnson takes a huge fall in the latest NFL Mock Draft '25



Michigan Football Cornerback Will Johnson was generally considered a potential top-five NFL concept selection in April. But the former five -star recruit missed the second half of the regular season of the Wolverines due to an injury. He then missed the NFL combination and also missed Michigan's Pro day due to an injury. Hoping NFL General managers and coaches that he is in order, Johnson will hold a private training on 14 April.

But there will be persistent questions about Johnson and his health. With limited action by Johnson, Tom Forenlli from CBS Sports De Stercornerback has a huge slide in his Updated NFL Mock Draft. The one-off top 10 selection is now expected to land with Jim Harbaugh, Jesse Minter and the Los Angeles Chargers with the number 22 pick.

“The chargers strike me as a team that could use help in the corner, and although Jim Harbaugh generally prefers the lines of Scrimmage, his familiarity with Will Johnson from their time together in Michigan is enough to tip the scales here.”

The three-year-old Wolverine was a dual all-American during his time in Michigan. Johnson was the defensive MVP after Michigan's victory over Washington in the national championship. Johnson started 22 games for the Wolverines and held both Marvin Harrison Jr. As Rome Odunze in check during the 2023 season. The physical cornerback hopes to prove people wrong when he hit the field again.

Will Johnso

Junfu Han / USA Today Network

Defensive Tackle Mason Graham, which is also considered a top five pick, fell in Fornelli's Mock Draft. The Jacksonville Jaguars of New York Jets are both popular choices for Graham, but in this mock Graham falls to No. 8 in general and lands with the Carolina Panthers.

“The Panthers should like to see Mason Graham slide down so far down and in their laps. They could use an upgrade to the interior of their line of defense, and Graham is the most disturbing player in the position in this class.”

Tight end Colston Loveland is completely over, depending on which mock you look at. The no. 22 Pick for the Chargers is a popular destination, but Fornelli has the Pass-Catch-Strakke end to go to the Los Angeles Rams in general to replace the loss of star recipient Cooper Kupp.

“Colston Loveland is not a replacement for Cooper Kupp, but he is a tight end that could do some of the things Kupp used to do for the Rams attack.”

Interior defensive Lineman Kenneth Grant is another player who fluctuates, depending on what you are looking at. Fornelli has Grant Landing in a fun situation with the Baltimore Ravens who take him with the number 27 Pick in the design.

“Kenneth Grant spent his university career alongside Mason Graham, which sometimes overlooked his bravery, but he is also a disruptive force on the inside. Plus the staff of ravens – since Michigan has sometimes felt a Baltimore Farm system for coaches – will sometimes be familiar with him and the player they get.”

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