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Wisconsin badgers win NCAA ladies hockey title in extension

Wisconsin badgers win NCAA ladies hockey title in extension



Minneapolis-Kirsten Simms scored on a penalty shot to bind it after a successful Wisconsin challenge with 18 seconds and then delivered the winner 2:49 in sudden death overtime to collect the top-placed badgers for a 4-3 victory over no. 2 Seed Ohio State.

It was the third consecutive season that the two schools squared for the NCAA title. The badgers of coach Mark Johnson beat Ohio State 1-0 in 2023 before he lost 1-0 to Nadine Muzerall's Buckeyes last season.

Simms forced OT when she scored after Wisconsin (38-1-2) was successful with a challenge that a state player in Ohio put her hand on the puck while she was in the fold. The Buckeyes played short -handed at the time after they were caught with too many players on the ice with 1:50.

“It hasn't sunk yet. It doesn't really feel like,” Simms said during her post game, on-Ice Interview on ESPNU. “This team went to hit all the game and we fought through a lot of setbacks. To get at the top is just exactly what we wanted.”

Ava McNaughton from Wisconsin and Amanda Thiele from Ohio State had both saves in the first 90 seconds of OT. But Simms used Lacey Eden's second assist to score the winner and the Badgers earn their record eighth championship.

“I am proud of the resilience,” said Wisconsin coach Mark Johnson during his postgame, on-Ice interview on ESPNU. “We didn't play our best game today, but all the good teams find out how to get to the end and give them a chance to win. And we did that this afternoon. Monday will come tomorrow and we are national champions!”

Joy Dunne scored a non-supported short-handed goal at 11: 38-13 seconds after teammate Jordyn Petrie was sent for two minutes from the ice for cross-controlling-up Ohio State (29-8-3) to give the early lead.

Laila Edwards scored 12 seconds later on the Power Play to even pull Wisconsin. Eden helped with the score. Edwards led the nation with 35 goals.

Sloane Matthews scored without help with 5:16 in the first, and the Buckeyes took a 2-1 lead in the second period.

Ohio State scored 10 seconds to increase his advantage to 3-1 after Emma Peschel Assists used from former Badger Maker Webster and Jocelyn Amos to score.

Wisconsin answered with a goal by Caroline Harvey with 5:27 in the period to reduce his shortage to one on the way to the last period. SIMMS and Edwards use the score.

“We have been incredible all year round, from top to bottom,” Simms said. “This team has had so much depth, there is so much talent everywhere.”

Ohio State was the only team that beat Wisconsin in regulation this season. The Buckeyes played four title matches in four straight frozen, which also won in 2022.

The Associated Press has contributed to this report.




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