Wisconsin is at the top of the state of Ohio in the NCAA Hockey National Championship for women's hockey

Minneapolis The Ohio State Ladies Hockey team lost the national champion match in a heartbreaking way on Sunday and lost 2:49 in the extension after giving up a penalty shot with 18.9 seconds in regulation that Wisconsin converted to bind the match and force the extra frame.
Maddi Wheeler covered the puck with her hand in the fold, the badgers called for a coaching challenge and Kirsten Simms buried the penalty shot. She also scored the game winner to give Wisconsin the only lead of the entire game.
The first period was a hectic back and forth between these two well -matched teams. Ohio State first broke through when Jenna Buglioni won a faceoff in the defensive zone at the start of the first Power Play of the game. She fed Joy Dunne, who broke out and took the Puck Coast to the coast, skated around the defense of Wisconsin and pulled the keeper to the one hand before he pushed the puck around her the other direction to make it a 1-0 match.
But the lead lasted only 12 seconds because Wisconsin was still on Power Play. The resident of Cleveland Heights, Laila Edwards, grabbed a loose puck and went to Dunnes a similar movement to pass Osu goalkeeper Amanda Thiele to bind the match 1-1. They were the fastest consecutive back -to -back objectives of opposite teams in ladies frozen four history.
The Buckeyes took a 2-1 lead with five minutes in the first when Sloane Matthews stole the puck in the neutral zone and immediately walked to the net, where she snipped the puck in the far top corner to give her team the lead on the way to the first break.
Ohio State came out of the break flying and raised his lead only 10 seconds in the middle frame when Makta Webster de Puck wore the right side after the faceoff and cycled behind the net. Her centering pass was deflected where Emma Peschel stepped out of the blue line and perfectly placed a rocket on the top shelf to give OSU a 3-1 lead. Wisconsin lowered the lead to five minutes later when Caroline Harvey took a signal from Peschel and a shot to the top of the net to make it a 3-2 game.
The Buckeye defense threw in the last frame, filled the center of the ice and for the grid and prevented the badgers to do something for a large part of the second and third period. A late fine for too many skaters gave Wisconsin to the advantage and then they pulled their keeper for an extra skater to make a 6-on-4 out of it. Thiele always came in big, but the covered puck was a difference maker.
Wisconsin (38-1-2) won his eighth national title.
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