Mrs. Dhoni's 0.12 second act stumped cricket world, not just Suryakumar Yadav

Mahendra Singh Dhoni's lightning-fast reflexes behind the stumps to lose Suryakumar Yadav here during an IPL match, the former Australian open Matthew Hayden has told about the capacities of the former Indian captain, despite not in his prime. Dhoni, 43, is approaching the end of his career, hung his international boots five years ago and, just like player, playing the Chennai Super Kings after he led the team to five IPL titles.
Dhoni, however, showed his sparkle again on Sunday when he cut off the bail in an instant of the delivery of Noor Ahmad and Suryakumar sent back to the pavilion.
“He (Dhoni) was on fire,” said Hayden, the former Australian Slagman and the teammate of Dhoni at CSK until 2010, on Time Out by Espncricinfo.
“I mean, Noor Ahmad shot along the leg side and it was just a movement over the ball. They are difficult if you are sitting there a sort of partially hidden by the Batsman.
“Then it was just fantastic, just such a fast timing, great hands, good visibility. He still has it.” The punching of Suryakumar (29) was a crucial moment in the game when CSK broke a 51-run position and eventually Mumbai Indians limited to 155/9. CSK chased the target with four wickets in hand and to save five balls at Chepauk.
“The stump of MSD (Mrs. Dhoni) was gone,” said Noor during the presentation after the game.
“It feels great to have someone like Mahi Bhai behind the stumps, it's a great support for me.” According to star sports, stumps were carried out in just 0.12 seconds.
Stub in 0.12 seconds. On 43, Thala is still the king behind the stumps. Is the best of today. #Dhoni #Cskvsmi #MSDHONIIPL #Dhoni
Kumar Simon (@Kumar_Simon_) March 23, 2025
Piyush Chawla, former India and CSK spinner, believes that Dhoni must have practiced with Noor during the preseason camp to perfect the stump.
“It does happen, it's a challenge if you haven't kept anyone,” he said.
“But I am sure he must have kept many balls in the camp, because if he keeps new for someone, he takes that person mainly to the stumps and says you bring a few balls to the fore.
“(It is) not (happened) with me because I have bent against him so often and have also bent him into the nets. But when there is new, especially a wrist spinner, he simply ensures that he keeps 10-12 balls so that he gets rid of the wrist position.”
(Except for the headline, this story was not edited by NDTV staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.)
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