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Sensational Simms: Junior leads comeback to lift your eighth NCAA title

Sensational Simms: Junior leads comeback to lift your eighth NCAA title



Minneapolis Junior Kirsten Simms Scored the game-equalizing penalty shot with 18.9 seconds in regulations and then the overtime game winner to lead the Wisconsin Women's Hockey team to a 4-3 victory over Ohio State to secure the eighth national championship of the program.

Wisconsin (38-1-2) was 1-0 behind in the first period and 3-1 in the second period before gathering in the last seven years to win his fourth NCAA title.

The two powerhouses exchanged special team goals in the middle of the first period. OSU (29-7-3) first came on the board with a short-handed goal Tribal flers Scored her fourth of the weekend on the same power play to even things on 1-1.

Osu took a goal late in the first to take a 2-1 lead after 20 minutes.

The Buckeyes took a 3-1 lead with a goal 10 seconds in the second, but you would not go down without a fight.

Harvey scored her second of the tournament to bring you within a goal. Simms succeeded her own rebound and sent a pass from one knee to Caroline Harvey Who hit the puck in the net. The second period ended with a 3-2 OSU lead.

Wisconsin pushed and pushed in the third period and received a Power Play with 1:50 remaining regulation. It pulled his net and got a promising look with the puck that dripped through the fold. After a challenge in Wisconsin, it was established that a state box in Ohio closed their hand on the Puck in the fold, which resulted in a Wisconsin penalty shot. The badgers chose Simms to take it and the junior covered Osu-NetMinder Amanda Thiele and put it in beyond her left cushion to tie the game to 3-3 with 18.9 seconds to send it to Overtime.

The ties provided the victory 2:39 in extra time. Eden took a shot that Thiele saved, but the rebound bounced on the stick of Simms who was a buckeye nut to put the puck in the back of the net and to seal the win of the national championship of Come-en-Behind.

Ava McNaughton stopped 18 of 21 shots to guarantee her 36th victory of the season, most of every Wisconsin -NetMinder in school history.

Notes of the game

  • The eight national championships of Wisconsin are most school in the nation.
  • Edwards concluded her junior campaign with 35 goals and became the first Das to darken 35 goals in a season, because Brianna Decker had 37 long during the 2011-12 season.
  • Harvey corresponded to the school record for most goals scored in one season by a defender with her 18th count.
  • Wisconsin ended the season with 221 goals, the most in school history.

Straight from the ice rink
Head coach Mark Johnson

When choosing Kirsten Simms To make the penalty

'A few players called Kirsten and then the owner of the property. I assume it [she said]. OK [I said]. I looked away, I couldn't even look, just like Ava [McNaughton]. I then asked several people because I didn't know if I played, I would take the shot just because I would be again. You need nothing, you have to be as free if you can be right at that time. You can think nothing but I will score. “

What it means to coach this team one last time

“The players deserve the honor. I mean, we are just the coaches, we are the leaders, but we serve [the players]And I think great leaders serve the people who stand for them, and that is our task as a staff to help them and navigate them, sometimes encourage them and sometimes keep them responsible “

Junior Vooruit Kirsten Simms

On what this victory means

“It is still not really blown up with me and at the end of the day I am just super happy that we bring that trophy back to Madison. No matter how the job was done, it is done and we take that trophy home. This is such an incredible group and that is all I can think of how talented is from the first day and that we can get the key.

Second -year people net Ava McNaughton

About what it takes to have such a successful season
“I would say I think there's obviously a lot that goes into having Such an incredible season, but I think it really thing come down to consistency. It's Such a lung season, and to be able to the time of the like, and those big game Something that takes consistency, and if it's not necessarily the most consistent game, we're able to know that we're gonna be able to fall back on our consistent effort, and then. We'll be able to get things. “

Next: Wisconsin organizes a welcome home event in Labahn Arena on Monday. Doors open at 6 pm with the program to start more information at 6.30 pm.




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