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5-II. Participation in sports clubs and school sports clubs by children and young people (sports clubs)

5-II. Participation in sports clubs and school sports clubs by children and young people (sports clubs)



1. Sports club memberships for children aged 4-11 years

In the SSF National Sports-Life Survey in 2021 for children and young peopleChildren aged 4-11 were asked about their registration in school sports clubs, private sports clubs (such as swimming and gymnastics clubs) and community sports clubs (junior sports clubs, sports classes, etc.).

The registration percentage for children aged 4-11 was 58.3%, as indicated in Figure 5-3. As far as gender is concerned, 61.8% of the boys were registered compared to 54.9% of girls, a difference of 6.9 percentage points. Although these gender differences in the registration percentages did not exist among pre -school children, it was important for primary school students. In terms of the school year, 43.0% of kindergarten, 53.8% of the first and second classes, 66.2% of the third and fourth classes and 65.8% of the fifth and sixth degrees were registered, a piping in the third and fourth classes and increasing as the degrees. More than half of primary school students were registered in sports clubs.

Figure 5-3 Membership of sports clubs in children aged 4-11 years

With regard to the results of the types of sports club, private sports clubs (swimming clubs, gymnastic clubs, etc.) showed the highest rate with 61.7%, followed by community sports clubs (junior sports clubs, sports classes, Dojo, etc.) with 32.3% and sports clubs in schools with 24.7%). The data suggests that private sports clubs are an important activity location for children in this age group.

Figure 5-4 Types of sports clubs for children aged 4-11 (multiple answers)

2. Sport club memberships for young people aged 12-21 years

According to the 2021 SSF National Sports-Life Survey for children and young people, 44.6% of young people aged 12-21 were members of sports clubs (in school sports clubs, local community clubs such as junior sports clubs and private sports clubs such as swimming and gymnastic clubs) in 2021 (Figure 5-5).

On gender, boys accounted for 52.5% of sports club members, while girls were good for 36.6%, with a difference of 15.9 percentage points, which is larger than a difference between children aged 4-11. The highest membership percentage was found per school year in Junior High School years at 71.0%. The membership percentage fell to 49.6% in high school years and then 25.8% in the university years. It can be said that high school years are a turning point for young people in terms of member of sports clubs. Moreover, the membership percentage among young employees was considerably low, with 9.8%.

Figure 5-5 Membership of sports clubs among young people aged 1221 years

Regarding types of sports clubs, sports clubs were at 78.7%, followed by community sports clubs (junior sports clubs, sports classes, Dojo, etc.) at 11.3% and private sports clubs (swimming clubs, gymnastic clubs, etc.) at 8.3% (Figure 5-6).

Figure 5-6 Types of sports clubs for young people aged 1221 (multiple answers)

3. School sports clubs in high school

When they focused on the changes in the total number of high school students and their membership percentage in school sports clubs, the total number of students has decreased in the last five years, with the falling birth rate (Figure 5-7). The membership percentage in school sports clubs also shows a gradual downward trend of 65.5% in 2016 to 61.4% in 2021. Due to gender, the membership percentages of boys and girls have both fallen from 75.4% in 2016 to 69.5% in 2021 for boys, from 55.1% in 2016 to 52.9% in 2021.

Figure 5-7 Number of junior high school students and membership percentages in school sports clubs

With regard to the number of students registered by types of sport in 2021, football had the largest number with 167,256 students (a registration percentage of 14.6%) for boys, followed by basketball with 164.005 students (14.3%), rubber baseball with 149.485 students (12.0%), Soft Tennis with 13.37 Tennis with 13.937 Tennis Tennis Tennis with 13.937 Tennis Tennis Tennis with 13.937 Tennis Tennis with 13.937 Tennis Tennis with 13.937 Tennis with 13.937 Tennis with 13.937 Tennis Tennis with 13.937 Tennis. Students (12.1%), soft tennis with 138.335 students (12.1%), soft tennis with 138.335 students (12.1%), soft tennis with 138.335 students (12.1%), soft tennis with 138.335 students (12.1%), soft tennis with 138.35 students (12.1%) 123,916 students (10.8%) (Table 5-1). In terms of trends in the past five years, the registration percentage for football was 17.3% in 2016, but fell by 2.7 percentage points to 14.6% in 2021. On the other hand, the registration percentage for table tennis, badminton and track and field respectively increased by 1.5 percentage points and 1.2 percent points.

For girls, soft tennis had the largest number of 160,644 students (a registration percentage of 19.2%), followed by volleyball with 151.277 students (18.1%), basketball with 126.121 students (15.1%), table tennis with 88,720 students (10.6%) and track and track and track and track and track and track and track and track and track and track and track and field and field and field and field).. In comparison with the registration percentage in 2016, the above sports showed a flat trend.

Table 5-1 Number of students registered in Junior High School Sport Clubs (Top 10)

4. School sports clubs in high school

The changes in the number of high school students, students registered at the All Japan High School Athletic Federation (JHAF) and the Japan High School Baseball Federation (JHBF), as well as students who participated in school sports clubs were analyzed. The results showed that the total number of students has fallen by around 10.2% in the last ten years. On the other hand, the registration percentage in school sports clubs has increased by 1.6 percentage points, from 41.0% in 2011 to 42.6% in 2021.

Table 5-2 shows the number of students registered with JIF in 2016 and 2021 by types of sport. In 2021, football had the largest number with 149,637 registered students (a registration percentage of 20.7%) for boys. This was followed by basketball with 85,368 students (11.8%), badminton with 68,681 students (9.5%), lane and field with 62,804 students (8.7%) and table tennis with 50,266 students (7.0%). With regard to the trends in the past five years, the registration percentage for badminton and volleyball rose by 2.4 percentage points and 1.2 percentage points respectively. For girls, volleyball had the largest number with 57,264 registered students (13.8%), followed by Badminton with 56,759 students (13.6%), basketball with 54,849 students (13.2%), Kyudo (Japanese archery) with 35,883 students (8.6%). Compared to the registration percentage in 2016, there was an increase of 1.4 percentage points in Kyudo (Japanese archery) and a decrease of 1.4 percentage points in tennis, but the total trend remained flat.

Table 5-2 Number of students registered in sports clubs in high school (top 10)




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