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Chad Henne respects the state of Ohio, Michigan State calls a bit dirty

Chad Henne respects the state of Ohio, Michigan State calls a bit dirty



Former Michigan Wolverines Quarterback Chad Henne was part of some of the most memorable victories and historical losses in school history. His four -year wingspan as a starter etched him as the leader in multiple statistical categories at UM. Now he retires and looks back on his career as a Wolverine, his journey in the pros and what life is like after his play career.

Jon Jansen, Henne asked about his long career on the Trench Podcast.

Looking back on the career of Hennes Michigan

Henne is part of a memorable first -year class with attacking Lineman Jake Long and Mike Hart. Henne eventually played for Michigan, he says, because of his relationship with former coach Scott Loeffler. He learned a lot about Loeffler Fundamentals and thought that Ann Arbor was the best place for him.

Once on campus, Henne said he was working to fight immediately for the starting Quarterback role. He did not expect to win it immediately, but he made the effort and earned it at the end of the day. When head coach Lloyd Carr said that Henne started Hed, Henne Carr says and asks if he was afraid.

No sir, I'm ready to go, Henne replied. He also outlined how a feeling of butterflies is normal for a game, but you have to trust your preparation.

Henne, Long and Hart are some of the most memorable first -year students who start a season together. Henne said it was impressive to see those boys continue the tradition together.

Although there are many positives from Hennes in Michigan, but also some of the lowest points in program history, including a upset loss for the Appalachian State. Henne says that the team was not mentally prepared for the game and that they did not have enough focus in the run -up to the game. Fortunately they went in a high tone that year, with a victory in Carr's last game at the Florida Gators.

Assessment of the rivalry of Michigans with Michigan State and Ohio State

Henne returned for his senior season to try to win against the Buckeyes. Unfortunately, that never happened, but he tells the game as one that normally respects from one team to another. According to Henne, the same cannot be said about the state of Michigan.

Jansen asked Henne about the triple overtime victory over the Spartans, and Henne, like most of us, called it the Brylon Edwards show. He took four victories on the Spartans, but described the rivalry as a bit dirty. It is nice to know that the players feel in the same way as the fans.

Henne says that the rivalry with the Buckeyes was more clean and had more respect, but Michigan State was grim and that he did not respect them that much.

Jansen deals with Michigan -games via radio broadcasts alongside Hennes former teammate and Wideout Jason Avant. Jansen asked Hennes's response that Avant took the Michigan flag back after the upset victory in Columbus last season.

Henne told Jansen that he had stopped to Avant after the game when he realized who it was. He said that Avant is a very religious guy, a calm man and well spoken, but he remembered that there were times in Michigan where he could turn a switch around and he would beat the nonsense. Henne was not surprised that Avant is calm and mature with the age, but still said he was impressed by Avants -Kalmte when recurring the flag.

What it was like to switch to the NFL

Henne was one of the highest quarterbacks in the history of Michigan. He and Long both ended up in Miami by prepared by the dolphins, but Henne is perhaps better known for his time at the Kansas City Chiefs under Andy Reid and Back -up of Quarterback Patrick Mahomes.

Henne helped to win the chiefs in several large competitions, including in the play -offs when Mahomes was injured.

Henne said he is happy with his decision to retire. The transition from the university to the NFL was not as heavy as his transition from high school to university, because he said that the college players really prepare players well for the pros. Now he enjoys more time with his family.




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