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Novak Djokovic enlightened to Miami R4 | ATP Tour

Novak Djokovic enlightened to Miami R4 | ATP Tour




Djokovic Illuminated to R4, Masters 1000 History in Miami

Serbian Downs Ugo Carabelli, notes with Musetti in Hard Rock Stadium

March 23, 2025

Peter Staples/ATP Tour

Novak Djokovic beats Camilo Ugo Carabelli on Sunday in Miami.
By Andy West

Novak Djokovic set a record on Sunday on the Miami Open 2025 presented by Itau. Could there be more?

The Serbian defeated Camilo Ugo Carabelli 6-1, 7-6 (1) to book his fourth round place at Hard Rock Stadium. It was Djokovics 411Th Match -victory at Masters 1000 events, making him free from his large rival Rafael Nadal for most in series history (since 1990). He also remained on course for a record's seventh title during the Hard Court event in Florida with his triumph against Lucky Loser Carabelli.

I am honored to have another milestone, broke another record, Djokovic said. There is always something on the line, almost every time I play, and that of course motivates me to do well at tournaments.

You may also like it: Djokovic Breaks Record for most ATP Masters 1000 Match wins

Djokovic ran to the first set in his first Lexus ATP Head2head -Meeting with Carabelli and seemed to have taken full control when he broke his opponents in the third game of the second. Nevertheless, the Argentinian destroys deeply to reclaim the break immediately and retained behind serve from that moment to force a tie-break.

There was little Ugo Carabelli to hold on to the Tie-Break, however, because the 99-you titlist Djokovic increased its level to complete his 45-minute victory. The Serbian completed the match with 80 percent (39/49) points behind his first service, according to Infosys ATP statistics.

I started really well, 6-1, very similar to the first game two days ago, “Djokovic reflected.” It became complicated in the second. I broke his serve, he made my serve, and then we went a little toe to toe. I had some chances at 4-4, but I think it was fair to take the second set to a tie-break. Then, like two days ago, a perfect tie-break. Great portion when I had to, and generally just happy to get through.

Djokovic arrived in Miami during a loss of three games, but the 37-year-old has to drop another set after two games of his first Miami performance since 2019.

Anyway, Djokovic will then concentrate on his next opponent in Miami, Lorenzo Musetti. The Italian previously conquered Felix Auger-Aliass-time with 4-6, 6-2, 6-3 to reach the fourth round for the second consecutive year.

The World No. 16 Musetti only achieved back-to-back victories this season by seeing after two hours and 26 minutes from Auger-Aliass. He converted four of the 14 breaking points he earned against Canadian on his way to his first top 20 win since last October.




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