Senate discusses the reduction of the seats of the Senate, picnic tables – the Tartan

By Mirren Hibbert

Non -braderated student of Senate delegated the question whether the picnic tables in the vicinity of the tennis courts brought back.
In the course of the general body meeting on March 20, Carnegie Mellon's student Senate considered two important proposals: one was intended to reduce the number of senators from 48 to 20, and another was intended to increase the picnic table budget from $ 3,500 to $ 29,200 to finance new exterior chairs near the tennis courts.
Both proposals led to a discussion among non-braduate student senators with regard to the representation of the Senate, the use of resources and long-term campus planning.
The proposed chair restructuring law, introduced by ungraduated student Senate Financial Chairman Kyle Hynes, a senior in statistics and data science, would shift the student-to-senator ratio from approximately 1: 140 to 1: 360. It is intended to tackle concern of elections and competitive power.
Hynes argued that this law could increase the chance of disputed elections, reduce the chair vacancies, currently filled by the voice of the Senate instead of a student voice, raising the presence at senate meetings and the amount that the Senate reduces food and merchers.
He calculated the annual senate budget for food and merchandos to be $ 19,520. A smaller senate, he argued, could lower these costs.
Expect the counter argument or a small body to function well, the senior quoted five states, Alaska, Hawaii, Delaware, Nebraska and New Hampshire, which currently have smaller senate sizes than its planned 20-member Senate Act.
During the meeting, Hynes responded to questions from the non -braduced senators, although no one expressed full support for the proposal.
The senate meeting also included the discussion about a proposal for more picnic tables, which would require a much larger budget for the project.
Sanjeev Naiek, a second year with the main subject in civil and environmental technology and engineering and public policy, which serves as chairman of the Senates Operations, suggested adding new picnic tables along the walkway next to the tennis courts, where picnic tables have been in the previous years. The new tables would have been made of steel.
Naiek collected answers from 100 people to the Carnegie Mellon -Campus, of whom 97 percent supported the addition of tables to this location.
While Naiek recognized the selection bias of this survey, he stated that the feedback from the survey gives a strong indication that Carnegie Mellon would support tables to restore tables along the walking bridge between the UC and CFA.
To implement this proposal, the assigned $ 3,500 should, however, be increased to $ 29,200 for picnic tables. This would cover the costs of four steel tables.
According to the survey sent by Naiek, Carnegie Mellon uses a specific picnic table model, which means that the price has been established per table.
Naiek shared a screenshot of an e -mail that was exchanged between Himeslf and a manager, who states that a 99 inch picnic table with banks is expected to cost $ 3,300.
When asked in the survey whether they supported the decision of Carnegie Mellons to buy this specific model event for this price, 92 percent of the respondents said yes.
During the demand period, senators discussed the feasibility of placing their senate slogo on the tables.
The presentation of Naieeks ended with: we have the money. Students have the wish. We have the power. Students will benefit.
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