WTT -Sterrender Chennai 2025: From Yoo Yerin to Hina Hayata
The WTT -Sterrender Chennai 2025 will have top table tennis Players from 20 countries compete for titles from 25 to 30 March.
With sufficient ranking points and recognition on the offer, the access list for the Chennai meeting is also a stars littered.
Within this exceptional line – Ten players especially shine – not only for their skills, but also for the incredible paths that have formed their career. Herein why they are must-see competitors.
Sharath Kamal (India)
One of the biggest Indian table tennis players is planned for his last hurray at WTT -Stero -edkeren Chennai 2025, so that the curtain brings a great career to his hometown.
A five-time Olympic and Commonwealth Games legend with 13 medals (seven gold), Sharath Kamal Has been a pioneer for Indian table tennis, Barrières breaking with his ITTF Pro Tour-title win from 2004 and achieving a career-high world ranking of 30. The 42-year-old, the oldest participant in Chennai, will draw in style.
Hugo Calderano (Brazil)
Hugo Calderano has re -defined table tennis in Latin -America and became the first player in the region to reach an Olympic semi -final – an achievement that he achieved in Paris 2024 – and breaks into the top 10 of the world ranking.
Currently ranked no. 6, he has won medals on the World Cup, Grand Smash and World Tour Grand Finals, in addition to a series of WTT star rider and competition -titles.
With his explosive playing style and unparalleled agility, Calderano, one of the smartest players on the circuit, also remains one of the greatest challengers to the table in tennis traditional power holders.
Yoo Yerin (Republic of Korea)
At the age of 16, Yoo Yerin cuts her own legacy in table tennis, in the footsteps of her father, Yoo Nam-Kyu, who won the very first Table Tennis Mensens Singles Golden Medal when the sport debuted at the Seoul 1988 Olympic Games.
A WTT youth nomination in Chennai, she is currently in third place in the WTT youth ranking list and played an important role in the Republic of Korea and won a historical team of gold at the ITTF World Youth Championships 2024, where she led an exciting semi-final victory over the People's Republic or China.
A dominant power in the WTT Youth Contender Circuit, she is now getting on the senior stage, enthusiastically to show her potential against the world's best.
Ankur Bhattacharjee (India)
Ankur Bhattacharjee, a rising star in Indian table tennis, has consistently dominated the youth circuit and is currently ranked world. 5 in Jongenshonkslagen in the WTT youth ranking list.
The young person has won three consecutive Boys' Singles National Championships and claimed U-19-Singles titles at WTT youth candidate Tunis 2024 and Cappadocia 2025.
His potential was clear in his UTT debut last year, where he won four of his five games. Now, as a WTT nomination on youth, his breakthrough is one to keep an eye on a vigilant.
Hina Hayata (Japan)
Hina Hayata is one of the brightest challengers for the Dominance of Chinas and is the Japanese highest ranking player of ladies and an important member of their golden generation.
The Olympic silver and bronze medal winner has proven its consistency at the highest level with several world championship and Asian championship podiums.
A left -handed powerhouse, she was also the most successful player in the ITTF Challenger series – predecessor of the WTT series – with her ability to dominate competing fields.
At WTT starter Chennai 2025 she arrives as the highest ranked ladies singles player and a top candidate for the title.
Sree and Akula (India)
In August 2024, Sreeja Akula reached a career -high world ranking of World No. 22 – The highest ever for an Indian singles player – who confirmed her status as one of Indias -top table tennis players.
She wrote History on WTT -Gederdener Lagos 2024 and became the first Indian to win a WTT -Singles title, while also achieving the women's doubles alongside Archa Kamath.
Sreeja, an Arjuna Awardee and Commonwealth Games Gold medal winner in Mixed Doubles (with Sharath Kamal), remains a formidable presence on the international circuit and will be looking for her upward route at home.
Quadri Aruna (Nigeria)
Quadri Aruna is a pioneer for African table tennis, setting records and pushing boundaries at every tournament.
A triple Olympic and Commonwealth games silver medal winner, he became the first African to reach the quarterfinals of both the Olympic Games (2016) and World Championships (2021).
In 2022 he wrote history by becoming the first African player who enters the top 10 of Messrs Singles World Rankings.
With his aggressive playing style and fearless approach, Aruna is a well -known figure for Indian table tennis fans, because of his repeated performances in ultimate table tennis.
Adriana Diaz (Puerto Rico)
Coming from a small Caribbean island of only 3.2 million people – less than that of Chennai – where baseball, basketball, boxing and football transfer, Adriana Diaz has forged her path in table tennis.
She wrote history as the first Puerto Rican player who qualified for the Olympic Games and has since dominated the Pan-American circuit, with gold medals being won on the Pan-American Games, Pan-American Championships, Pan-American Cup and the Central American and Caribbean games.
Her success has not only increased the presence of Puerto Ricos in global table tennis, but has also scripted one of the best stories of the sport.
Manav Thakkar/Manush Shah (India)
Manav Thakkar and Manush Shah, in ninth place in the world, will enter WTT -star Chennai 2025 as the highest ranked gentlemen Double pair -Marking the first time that an Indian entry has held the highest rank in each category in the Star Conventer Series.
The duo recently wrote history at the WTT-Star-Medeed Doha 2025 and became the first Indian men's doubles that reached the semi-final. Their fast turnout has set the stage for a strong title challenge on a home floor.
Ayhika Mukherjee (India)
Known for her unorthodox playing style and control of anti-spin rubber, Ayhika Mukherjee has even astonished the best in the world. She got the headlines on the ITTF World Team Championships 2024 and defeated World No. 1 Sun Yingsha in a huge upset.
A year earlier she worked with Sutirtha Mukherjee to beat reigning world champions Wang Yidi and Meng Chen, with India's very first Asian Games Ladies Doubles Medal – a historic bronze in Hangzhou.
A direct qualification for the WTT -star Chennai 2025, Ayhika remains a disturbing force at the highest level, to which few of the top players have found an answer.
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