West -India Women who are set for ICC Cricket World Cup qualifications in Pakistan

March 24, 2025, 4:35 PM
St. John's, Antigua Cricket West -India (CWI) today confirmed the West India Women's Squad to participate in the ICC Ladies Cricket World Cup qualifications 2025, planned for 9 to 19 April, in Lahore, Pakistan.
The team is planned to leave today for a pre-tournament camp in the United Arab Emirates (VAE) before it goes to Pakistan to compete for one of the two last two qualifying places for the ICC Ladies Cricket World Cup 2025, to be organized in India in India in India in India in India.
West India will be confronted in a Round-Robin format: hosts Pakistan, Ireland, Bangladesh, Scotland and Thailand hosts. The top two teams will become members of Australia, England, New Zealand, South Africa, Sri Lanka, and organizes India in the most important tournament.
Bangladesh, West India, Pakistan and Ireland were unable to secure a direct place for the Cricket World Cup via the ICC Women's Championship 2023-25, which were finished in the rankings in the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth place respectively.
Scotland and Thailand qualified after they were the next two best-arranged parties in the ICC Women's ODI team ranking.
CWI's director of Cricket Miles Bascombe expressed trust in the preparation of the team:
All 15 games in the Round-Robin tournament are played in Lahore, Pakistan in the Gaddafi Stadium stadium and Lahore City Cricket Association (LCCA). The West India -women start their campaign against Scotland in the LCCA Stadium, followed by matches against Ireland, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Thailand.
West -India Head Coach Shane Deitz also shared his confidence and expectations for the team.
Captain Hayley Matthews emphasized the ultimate teams of the teams on the task for us.
The West Indies women are represented by a formidable team of 15 players who combine experienced veterans and emerging talent.
There are three (3) changes from the team that disputed the ODI Home Series versus Bangladesh in St. Kitts in January.
Stafanie Taylor and Chinelle Henry return from injuries, while Rashada Williams joins the team after having impressed her versions in the CG United Womens Super50 Cup. They replace Nerissa Crafton, Djenaba Joseph and Deandra Dottin, who misses due to injury.
West -India Women's Squad:
Hayley Matthews (Captain)
Shemaine Campbelle (Vice-Captain)
Aaliah Aliyah
Afy Fletcher
Cherry Ann Fraser
Shabika Gajnabi
Jannillea Glasgow
Chinelle Henry
Zaida James
Qiana Joseph
Mandy Mangru
Ashmini Muniarini
Karishma Ramhack
Staping Taylor
Rashada Williams
Team management unit:
Head coach: Shane Deitz
Team manager: Sheena Gooding
Assistant -Coach: Ryan Austin
Assistant -Coach: Damien Wright
Team analyst: Gary Belle
Physiotherapist: Angelica Holder
Power and conditioning coach: Hector Martinez Charles
Performance Coach: Dr. Nadine Sammy
Team Doctor: Dr. Ruchelle Brown Calvert
Media & Content Officer: Nicholas Maitland
ICC Ladies Cricket World Cup Qualifier 2025 West India Match schedule:
April 9: West -India vs Scotland LCCA Stadium (12.30 pm AST / 9:30 PKT)
April 11: Ireland vs West -India Gaddafi Stadium (12.30 pm AST / 9:30 PKT)
April 14: Pakistan vs West -India Gaddafi Stadium (5:00 am Ast / 14:00 PKT)
April 17: Bangladesh vs West -India LCCA Stadium (12.30 pm Ast / 9:30 am PKT)
April 19: West -India vs Thailand Gaddafi Stadium (5:00 am Ast / 14:00 PKT)
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