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Ohio State misses the national title with OT loss

Ohio State misses the national title with OT loss



Columbus, Ohio The Ohio State ladies' hockey team just fell shy by a repeated national championship and eventually fell into the extension of the Wisconsin Badgers, 4-3, Sunday evening in Ridder Arena. The game was the fourth consecutive national title match of the Buckeyes.

Ohio State, who completes the season 29-8-3, first scored and never lagged behind the overtime. Wisconsin (38-1-2) scored the game-winning goal 2:49 in the extension.

Thiele was excellent and made 31 saves, including almost two handful of the spectacular variety. The Buckeyes were given goals from Joy Dunneher team leader 29th of the year, Sloane Matthews (9) and Emma Peschel (8). Jocelyn Tem And Makenna Websters had every assists.

Thin, an attacker and defender Emma Peschel Earned places on the Frozen Four-All-Tournament team of 2025 NCAA ladies.

First period

The first period was raw and contained three spectacular goals and a flurry of activity for the network of each team. Joy Dunne Started by scoring the puck behind her net, skating the length of the ice while weaving in and out of Dassaters and scored a small goal in a UW-Power play only 13 seconds and 12 seconds later the score on 1-all with a goal from Laila Edwards. The scores came over in the period with 11:38 and 11:26 respectively. Ohio State recovered the lead on 2-1 with 5:16 to play in the first as Sloane Matthews Freely torn along the left side of the ice and buried a wrist at the top right past your goalkeeper Ava McNaughton. Ohio State's Amanda Thiele made some spectacular rescues in the period, including a vast rescue with 11:51 to play, another with 5: 2L and then a spectacular stop at 4:08 on a tic-tac-to-bathger setup. She ended with nine saves in the period. Ohio State had 16 shots in the period; Wisconsin 12. Ohio State won the FaceOFF struggle: 13-8.

Second period

Buckeye Emma Peschel Scored the second fastest goal to start a period in frozen four history by shooting a blow along McNoughton only 10 seconds for a 3-1 lead. Makenna Websterwho chased the puck of the faceoff and skated behind the net to get chaos at the net, and Jocelyn Tem Had assists on the play. Ohio State stopped the pressure with the next six shots on the goal, but Wisconsin took revenge five minutes later when Caroline Harvey scored to make it another one -goal match. Neither of the teams could add their totals in the period, including a Power Play option from Ohio State.

Third period

The third period was desperate Hockey Wisconsin who needed the equal goal and the state of Ohio who wanted to rise with two. Both teams played spectacular hockey, especially on the defensive purposes, but neither of them could score. Then Wisconsin went on Power Play with 1:50 to play while Ohio State was caught with too many skaters on the ice. Ohio State started the kill with two cleares, but Wisconsin came back buzzing the State Net of Ohio. Thiele made an almost handful of rescuing in the last minute, including one without her stick, but then the state was called to cover the puck in the fold. Wisconsin received a penalty shot and with 18.9 seconds in the third period and Kirsten Simms scored to bind the game. The score was the last of the 12 shots of Wisconsin on goal in the period. Ohio State had three shots on goal in the Stanza.


Ohio State got an early chance at Wisconsin's net, but the Simms of Wisconsin ended the game by scoring a rebound.

Game notes

  • Ohio State and Wisconsin met in the Frozen Four National Championship Game in each of the past three years. All three competitions were one-doels.
  • The previous two national champion matches between Ohio State and Wisconsin were each 1-0 games.
  • Joy Dunne This year, this year, establish the state record of Ohio State this year with 62 points (29 goals; 33 assists).
  • Jocelyn TemThin and Makenna Webster Each scored at least one point in each of the last six games of the season.
  • Dunne closed the season with a goal in 10 consecutive games.
  • Coach Nadine in Ageell is now 225-81-22 in her ninth season in Ohio State and her buckeyes are now 12-4 in NCAA Tournament matches.




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