Boston College Lands Top General Seed, 4 Massachusetts teams Make NCAA Hockey Tournament

New England will be well represented in the NCAA hockey tournament of 2025, while March Madness is shifting from hardwood to the ice. There are eight teams from New England and four from Massachusetts to compete for a national championship.
Boston College is on top of all 16 teams in the braces as the number 1 general seed, one of the six hockey East teams in this year's field. This year, the Hockey East sent more teams to this year's NCAA tournament than any other conference, with his six participants the most ever.
Boston College, Boston University, Umass and Bentley form the Massachusetts teams in the field, while colleague New England Schools Uconn, Quinnipiac, Providence and Maine are also in the tournament.
Boston College Landt No. 1 General Seed will play Bentley
The BC Eagles were the regular seasonal champions in the Hockey East, but fell in the quarterfinals of the Hockey East Tournament in the northeastern in the northeast of the weekend. But they claimed the top seeds in the tournament after a 26-7-2 season.
The Eagles were led by second -year attackers Ryan Leonard (29 goals, 18 assists) and Gabe Perreault (15 goals, 32 assists), both of which achieved 47 points. Jacob Fowler was 24-6-2 in just before Boston College and praised a .940 savings percentage and 1.64 GAA during the season.
Boston College is the best overall seed for the second consecutive season and fourth time in program history, and goes for the sixth NCAA title. The Eagles made the frozen frozen frozen four 26 times, including last year when BC lost Van Denver in the NCAA title game.
This year Boston College will open the tournament in Manchester, New Hampshire on Friday against Bentley University, which appears his very first NCAA tournament appearance when the Atlantic Hockey Champs. The Falcons went 23-14-2 during the 2025 season and arrived on Saturday of the Holy Cross, 6-3, in the Atlantic Hockey America Tournament Championship in Worcester on Saturday.
Boston University, Umass deserve a large bids
Boston University and Umass from Hockey East have both earned a big bid in this year's tournament.
The Terriers are the two-seeds in Toledo, Ohio after a 21-13-2 season, and want to reach the Frozen Four for a third consecutive year. They will come across the Ohio State Buckeyes to open the tournament on Thursday afternoon in Toledo, Ohio.
It will be the fourth meeting of all time between Boston University and the state of Ohio, with the Terriers as a victor in all three meetings (2009, 1998 and 1973).
Umass is in school history for the sixth time in the NCAA tournament, this time as a three-nursing after a season of 20-13-5. The minutemen will stand on Thursday evening against the two minnesota placed in Fargo, North Dakota.
Umass wants to make the Frozen Four for the first time since 2021, when the school won its first national title. The minutemen are 8-4 in the tournament game in general and 7-3 under head coach Greg Carvel.
Other teams in New England in NCAA Tournament
Maine, Uconn, Quinnipiac and Providence will also go to the NCAA tournament this year, in which schools in New England make up half of the 16-team field.
Maine is the one seed in Allentown, Pennsylvania after the hockey East Tournament Championship over UConn, and will be confronted with Penn State. UConn is also in Allentown because the Huskies are in their very first NCAA hockey tournament ever, and will be confronted with in-state rival Quinnipiac, who claimed the ECAC title for the regular season.
Providence College is in Manchester as the two -seed and will take on the defender Denver Pioneers on Friday.
New England -Teams NCAA Hockey Tournament -Scheme
Thursday, March 27
No. 2 Boston University vs. No. 3 Ohio State, 2 pm in Toledo, Ohio
No. 2 Minnesota versus no. 3 Massachusetts, 8:30 PM in Fargo, North Dakota
Friday March 28
No. 1 Boston College vs. No. 4 Bentley, 2 pm in Manchester, New Hampshire
No. 2 Connecticut versus no. 3 Quinnipiac, 5 pm in Allentown, Pennsylvania
No. 2 Providence vs. No. 3 Denver, 5:30 PM in Manchester, New Hampshire
No. 1 Maine versus No. 4 Penn State, 8:30 PM in Allentown, Pennsylvania
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