Duckett says that England losing in ODI and Champions Trophy hurts me so much | England Cricket Team

Ben Duckett said that England's experiences in India humiliate and during the Champions trophy in Pakistan hurt me so much and that he hopes they can make up for this summer.
Since the turn of 10 of the 11 White-Ball matches, England has lost, including all three at the Champions Trophy to finish the bottom of their group, which activates the dismissal of Jos Butler as a captain.
While the English approach was examined, Duckett raised eyebrows during a 3-0 one-day international series Clean Sweep through India when he claimed: I don't care as long as we have defeated them in the final of the Champions trophy.
The general manager of Mens Cricket, Rob Key, accepted England players occasionally nonsense to prevent the dressing room from being upset and Duckett was adequate that results matter.
All we want to do is win, the opener said. If after every loss in India and at the Champions Trophy you would place a camera in the dressing room, you will see a group of boys who were desperate.
I think that sometimes the way we play and might look like it doesn't care, but there is much that it goes behind the scenes with Baz [the head coach Brendon McCullum] And the coaches. There is so much more about it and now goes ahead, it might look a bit different. I don't think the way that good game will be different, but we want to win games.
For me, those two months in India and Pakistan they hurt me so much. I want to win everything, I do. We have the chance to make up for it and have a really good summer and to win many games.
The 36-year-old opener, his rural record ODI Run scorer, was Captain of Mohammedan Sporting Club in their Dhaka Premier League match against Shinepukur when he complained about chest pain after taking the field.
A statement from Bangladesh's cricket board was: Tamim Iqbal Khan suffered a cardiac arrest.
Tamim received immediate medical emergency aid after the nearby KPJ specialized hospital, where he underwent a successful angiogram procedure to tackle a blockade in one of the arteries of his heart. He is currently in the vicinity of the coronary care unit of the hospitals.
The BCB president, Faruque Ahmed, who reportedly visited the batter in the hospital after canceling a board meeting, said: We are very grateful for all doctors and specialists for their quick actions in this critical situation. The outpouring of concern for Tamim reflects how much he is loved and appreciated by the nation.
The BCB keeps a close eye on its health and continues to stay in contact with the medical team of the hospitals. The board strives to offer all support and help to guarantee Swift recovery from Tamim's.
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Quick guide
Former captain of Bangladesh has a cardiac arrest
The former captain Tamim Iqbal of Bangladesh receives emergency hospital after a cardiac arrest during a domestic T20 match in Dhaka.
The 36-year-old opener, his rural record ODI Run scorer, was Captain of Mohammedan Sporting Club in their Dhaka Premier League match against Shinepukur when he complained about chest pain after taking the field.
A statement from Bangladesh's cricket board was: Tamim Iqbal Khan suffered a cardiac arrest.
Tamim received immediate medical emergency aid after the nearby KPJ specialized hospital, where he underwent a successful angiogram procedure to tackle a blockade in one of the arteries of his heart. He is currently in the vicinity of the coronary care unit of the hospitals.
The BCB president, Faruque Ahmed, who reportedly visited the batter in the hospital after canceling a board meeting, said: We are very grateful for all doctors and specialists for their quick actions in this critical situation. The outpouring of concern for Tamim reflects how much he is loved and appreciated by the nation.
The BCB keeps a close eye on its health and continues to stay in contact with the medical team of the hospitals. The board strives to offer all support and help to guarantee Swift recovery from Tamim's.
After a hectic last 12 months in all formats, Duckett will miss the early part of the County Championship in view of all cylinders for a series of five tests against India.
Nights at the moment in stone, Duckett said. It is always a somewhat tricky place to be, because where I am in my career is a big thank you to Nottinghamshire. You always want to pay them back.
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I had a coffee [the head coach Peter] Moores and made a plan. He gets it, I didn't stop for a while and I think my body hung on the Champions trophy. I want to get that first test against India and to be in a very good headroom.
Duckett has temporarily removed his X account after his comments about a possible battle with the India Fast Bowler Japrit Bumrah have been recycled and misinterpreted on the social media platform.
If you ask me about Jasprit Bumrah, I say, now, he is probably the most difficult bowler to face in the world, Duckett said on Monday on Nottinghamshires Media Day.
It has been an interesting week, but I think that for me from Twitter is the right thing for me and it is a lot easier to not be on Twitter.
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