Sa expects tight fight when they call the last team of the shield

Jason Sangha admits while last week's rehearsal of Sheffield Shield Dress will organize the upcoming final that will organize the perfect preparation for hosts South Australia, it should also take advantage of their rivals from Queensland.
SA today confirmed their 14-man team for the final, where they chase their first shield title since 1995-96, after they ended the current season at the top of the ladder.
As expected, fast bowler Brendan Doggett and seambowling all-rounder Liam Scott are named after them from the recent Queensland game, while reserve keeper Harry Nielsen is also recorded.
The Quandary for SA -Selectors is either a double spider attack by Ben Manenti and Lloyd Pope, or the most likely option of three specialized Quicks (Van Doggett, Nathan Mcandrew, Jordan Buckingham and Henry Thornton) as well as Scott and a single spider.
The only change in the 14-man team Queensland that was brought to Adelaide last week is the recording of test opener Usman Khawaja at the expense of Spin-Bowling all-rounder Jack Sinfield who did not play in the most recent meeting.
The teams that will compete from Wednesday for the domestic first-class trophy of the first class in Karen Rolton Oval, are intimate with the land and the peculiarities after their round 10 match last Tuesday in a bat-dominated draw.
And although the pitch for the Shield decision maker is expected to show a little more life than was in the previous game that started in the midst of 42C Heat, both bowling lines are confronted with a tough assignment for five days.
Where SA could benefit on the basis of the previous meeting, the form of their top-order batters on the drop-in pitch of Karen Rolton Oval is during the earlier meeting.
The home team accumulated on 7 (Dec) -614 in their first innings against a foot-wasted bull attack and then used the second excavation for further center-wicket Batting and rattled 5-252 of 72 overs before the game was canceled.
First innings centuries by Conor Mcinerney (142), Alex Carey (104) and Jake Lehmann (130NO) were followed by Sangha's undefeated second innings knock of 103 that supplemented his 67 on day one.
It was the first time that SA since the 1994-95 match against Victoria in Adelaide Oval was the first time that SA produced four individual centuries, where James Brayshaw (134NO), Darren Lehmann (100), Paul Nobes (110) and Greg Blewett (112) all placed First-Ininning Ton Ton.
“We could not have had a better preparation for the week, playing at a similar throw against an opposition with which we are confronted again and all the boys who came off some really good runs,” said Sangha today, while SA completed their most important pre-final training session in Rolon Oval.
“Carey had an incredible fixed value (with) one hundred and fifty, Lehmo (Lehmann) Hundred, Conor Mcinerney also made his maiden a hundred and there was a few forty there.
“It is now about seven days since our last game, so the boys are pretty enthusiastic.
“I am the one who wants to get it on the road and wish the final was today.”
The top order of Queensland, on the other hand, was robbed in the middle of time, because they were reduced to 5-86 by SA's seam attack in their only innings of the game, before Middle Order Duo Jimmy Peirson (128) and Jack Wildermuth (104) assembled a rescue mission.
But Sangha believes that the total of nearly 220 overs Queensland is sent down, even if almost 64 of them come from part-timers Marnus Labuschagne, Matthew Renshaw and Jack Clayton will have offered some valuable intelligence on the Batting of SA.
“I think it brings it back to even with Queensland, knowing what they could possibly expect,” Sangha said today.
“We have seen their players, but they have also seen our players, so that they may also have some plans.
“I feel that this final equals a little more compared to (playing) a new team that is probably a bit uncertain in the circumstances.”
Queensland played only two shield matches in Karen Rolon Oval and still have to take another victory at the location. The other was a loss of one wicket for New South Wales during the seasonal turtle hub 2020-21 in Adelaide.
It is not the only piece of historic baggage they take in their first hurt finals, because she beat the blues in Brisbane later that summer.
During the 2024-25 season (144 compared to Sa's 164), the Bulls claimed fewer wickets than any other Schildoutfit and have aggregated it for three highest team (4729) behind SA (5417), Tasmania (5219) and Victoria (4989).
However, the fact that Queensland demolished in the final on the back of batting bonus points that were gained in that last round fight against SA, despite the fact that he claimed less outright victories than Victoria in the regular season, only underlines how sharp the Shield competition is fought.
“Queensland has been a great team all year round and the Shield competition is one of those compositions where someone could really win,” Sangha said.
“If (fifth placed) tassie had two more victories, they might also be in the final.
“It's a tight competition.”
If Queensland, who traveled from Brisbane to Adelaide today, is looking for changed happiness at Sa's Auxiliary location, it may come up with the radical transformation that Karen Rolton Oval has undergone in recent days.
A temporary grandstand is being built along the eastern dike of the ground, with viewing platforms on the west side, together with gigantic LED views, food and drinks and other spectators facilities.
With fine, sunny weather forecast during all five days, the SA Cricket Association hopes for crowd up to 5,000 and more at the weekend when the season is planned to reach its climax.
South -Australia:Nathan McSweeney (C),Jordan Buckingham, Alex Carey, Brendan Doggett, Henry Hunt, Jake Lehmann, Ben Manenti, Nathan Mcandrew, Conor Mcinerney, Harry Nielsen, Lloyd Pope, Jason Sangha, Liam Scott, Henry Thornton.
Queensland:Marnus Labuschagne (C), Jack Clayton, Lachlan Hearne, Usman Khawaja, Angus Lovell, Ben McDermott, Michael Neser, Jimmy Peirson, Matthew Renshaw, Mark Steketee, Tom Striker, Mitchell Swepson, Callum Vidler,
Sheffield Shield final 2024-25
March 26-30 (10.35 am ACDT): South -Australia against Queensland, Karen Rolon Oval, Adelaide
The final of Sheffield Shield is broadcast live on Foxtel, You and the Ca live app
Sheffield Shield Standings 2024-25
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