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How Cricket helped to transform the life of 12-year-old Jacob

How Cricket helped to transform the life of 12-year-old Jacob



Cricket has become a life-changing power for 12-year-old Jacob, who was born with Spina Bifida. With the support of the Surrey Cricket Foundation (SCF), the Lords Taverners Super 1s Disability Cricket Program and his local club, the sport has ignited a new confidence in Jacob, doors that he had never thought before.

Although Jacobs -Passie has always been strong for the game, his mobility challenges organized cricket appears out of reach. He enjoyed back garden games with his brothers, but the chance to train, play and really belonged to a team felt like a distant dream.

That dream became a reality thanks to a casual meeting with the former captain of England, Andrew Strauss, who introduced Jacob to the Lords Taverners Super 1S program that gives young people with a disability of 12-25 years the opportunity to play regularly, competitive cricket.

From his very first session with the Valley End Rascals, which are supported by the foundation, Jacob has found a new community and a deeper feeling in Cricket. He feels a part of something bigger, surrounded by other young people who share his love for the game.

The support that Jacob receives from the coaches in Valley End and SCF has been invaluable. He now trains regularly, participates in competitions against other Super 1S teams in Surrey, Hampshire and Berkshire, and has even had the incredible opportunity to meet and train with some of his cricket heroes such as Nathan Lyon, Ben Foakes, Chris Jordan, Kemar Roach, Dan Worrall and Sam Billings. Last season Jacob was overjoyed when he was invited to a training session with Surreys Senior Team by the official partner of the clubs, Myguava, prior to the Vitality explosion quarterfinals in the Kia Oval.

In a short period of time, Cricket has become so much more than just a sport for Jacob. He eagerly watches competitions on TV and loves attending live games like a Surrey Pride of Lions member. His passion was even clear in his end -of -year school review, where he proudly stated his ambition to play one day before the England cricket team.

Super 1S program has not only given Jacob the opportunity to play the sport he loves, but it has also promoted his trust, built his community and gave him a path to reach his full potential.

Jacobs Inspirational Story is a radiant example of how the work done at the level of the base by the foundation, in addition to their network of cricket charities, community clubs, coaches and volunteers, to make cricket more accessible, has a meaningful impact.

2024 was another year of considerable growth for the foundation, which supplied recreational and participation cricket to more than 46,000 people in Surrey and Zuid -Londen.




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