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Utah Football Lands 4-Star QB Commit Thaddeus Thatcher

Utah Football Lands 4-Star QB Commit Thaddeus Thatcher



Salt Lake City -Kyle Whittingham and his football program in Utah have picked up a big commitment in four -star Quarterback Thaddeus Thatcher.

Thatcher unofficially visited the program on Saturday and promised WheatTingham and the rest of the staff.

This is the first obligation with Jason Beck as an attacking coordinator and the first commit of the 2027 class.

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Thaddeus Thatcher has committed himself to Utah Football

Thatcher visited the program on Saturday before the first training of Utah in Rice Eccles Stadium. This gave him a good first look at Beck's new attack and coaching style.

“With the new staff, Beck's attack just fits perfectly in my style,” explained Thatcher. “The practice was great, the attack moved the ball really well; I feel good about how I fit in the system; the staff is so great, and I just knew it was the place for me.”

Beck was officially hired in December and brought attacking analyst Koy Detmer together with him. In just three months, both Detmer and Beck made a big impression on Thatcher.

“My relationship is really good with both Beck and Detmer, although they have only been there for a few months,” said thatcher. “They communicate with me every day and just check in. The energy they coach is unparalleled; they hype the boys when they earn it and go on them when they need it; I was just super impressed by their coaching.”

With older brother Christian in the team, the two have achieved a goal that they wanted to reach a long time ago.

“It was always a kind of goal for Christian and I to play together; we never tried to force it, but always wanted it to work that way,” said thatcher about him and his brother who played together.

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“We are both super excited; Christian and I are close by; we grew up with playing together; it is what we both wanted. It has been difficult with him now, but we are enthusiastic about the chance to play together.” – Thaddeus Thatcher

As a prospect of 2027, Thatcher has a while before he becomes a member of the program. He is an impressive start in his preparatory career and knows where wants to improve.

“This year I just try to get stronger and to increase my football -IQ,” he said. “I want to deepen my understanding of defensive coverings, and then I also want to become a better runner. That is a big thing in the attack, and I have to improve my running power.

Who is Thaddeus Thatcher?

As promising as every Quarterback -front view in the 2027 class, the dedication of Thatcher is an important victory for the UTES. Thaddeus is also the younger brother of Utah first -year Linebacker Christian Thatcher, who signed with the Utes in December.

According to Rivals, Thatcher is considered a four -star perspective and ranks as number 12 Quarterback and no. 147 General player in the classroom.

Last season at Arbor View High School in Las Vegas, Thatcher led his team to a 10-2 record with a loss in the state championships against Bishop Gorman. The 6-foot-2, 175-Ponder, for 3,271 yards on 204-of-322, threw pass, including 34 touchdowns up to only 10 interceptions.

Steve Bartle is the insider from Utah for KSL Sports. He organizes the Utah Blockcast (Subscribe) And appears on KSL Sports Zone to break down the Utes. YouCan follow him on XFor the latest Utah updates and game analysis.

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