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Emma Raducanu: Brit Until the last 16 at Miami Open after an impressive display against McCartney Kessler | Tennis news

Emma Raducanu: Brit Until the last 16 at Miami Open after an impressive display against McCartney Kessler | Tennis news



Emma Raducanu says that she is not told “what to do” while she opens her last 16 draw on the Miami.

Raducanu looked impressive in every department when she dismantled a besieged McCartney Kessler, with the American stopping it halfway through the second set on Sunday.

Raducanu led 6-1 3-0 when Kessler called on the physio and then decided to retire due to a lower back injury.

The British No. 2 recovered from dropping its opening service game to win the next eight games before Kessler took her bags.

Raducanu supported her amazing victory over Emma Navarro -her third against a top -10 player in her career -to set up a last -16 meeting with Amanda Anisimova, Die the Indian Wells champion Mirra Andreeva Van Streek makes a 7-6 (7-5) 2-6 6-3 victory.

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Highlights such as Amanda Anisimova defeated the Indian Wells champion Mirra Andreeva to set up a match with Raducanu

Raducanu is planned to play Anisimova from around 7 pm on Monday, live on Sky Sport Tennis.

“I think it is a different approach this week,” said Raducanu, who ended her short partnership with coach Vladimir Slopenik last week.

“I think I played Spike Ball with the team five minutes before the game. It helps me to relax.

Fourth time Raducanu has reached the last 16 of WTA 1000:

Madrid 2022

Cincinnati 2022

Indian Wells 2023

Miami 2025

Looking for a first quarter -final

“If I play my best tennis, I am really expressing my personality. I would say that I am a bit of a free spirit, so I don't need any limitations or I am told what to do.

“I think if I am really authentic, that's when I play my best.”

She added: “My movement is pretty good now. I think I'm better defending and I am really coming back well. I am pretty happy with most parts of my game. It's just something that I want to keep improving, which will set up some stability.”

In conversation with Gigi Salmon, Raducanu said: “I was happiest with my focus. That is such a large part of tennis and especially in a competition like this.

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Raducanu said she was happy with her focus in her convincing victory over Kessler and will enjoy the underdog in the next round

“I am in the third round and have not been in this phase of a tournament for a while, so I am very happy with that.

“I returned very well, so from the first point in the game I put pressure on her serve, and I imposed myself and my game on the first ball and tried to get used to the conditions that is of Match.

“I am really proud of myself, my team, the work that we did and the kind of environment we have built.”

Raducanu feels the hard work she has done with the renowned fitness trainer Yutaka Nakamura starts to bear fruit.

“I have not had any big injuries, which is the biggest battle I have had in recent years, and hit my body at the moment,” she said.

“Also the movement in the corners, I come a lot more balls, and just by practicing and challenging myself to reach every ball, I think I develop the trust and hand skills to do something with it while I am there.

“I am happy that I have compiled a few good versions in a row and who I play in the next game, I am definitely an underdog, but I will enjoy that.”

Emma Raducanu of Groot -Britain returns against McCartney Kessler of the United States during their match on day 6 in Hard Rock Stadium on March 23, 2025 in Miami Gardens, Florida. (Photo by Rich Storry/Getty images)
Raducanu is happy with her versions in Miami

Croft: Raducanu -Display was 'breathtaking'

Annabel Croft spoke with Sky Sports Tennis after Raducanu beat Kessler:

“It was absolutely breathtaking right away, Go, just the ball in the middle, just a nice ball trick.

“That return of Serve came in the head of her opponent. She just started to surpass her after a long exchange early.

“You could just see the evaporation of trust on the other side. I don't think I ever saw her play as well as she did for those nine games.”

Emma Raducan: Story about the tape

Djokovic Breaks ATP Masters Win Record

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Highlights of Novak Djokovic against Camilo Ugo Carabelli

Champion six times Novak Djokovic Expired beyond the old rival Rafael Nadal and on a record 411 ATP Masters 1000 victories with a straight set of victory over Argentinian happy loser Camilo Ugo Carabelli.

Djokovic went right to Nadal after a routine triumph over Rinky Hijikata on Friday and succeeded it with an equally extensive 6-1 7-6 (7-1) victory on Sunday.

De Wereld No. 5 sent 10 Azen down in a game that lasted an hour and 46 minutes to set up a last 16 draw with Lorenzo Musetti.

“It is an honor to have another milestone, to have another record break. Sky Sport Tennis.

Musetti progressed beyond Felix Auger-Aliassy in a heavily fought 4-6 6-2 6-3 battle, but ninth seed Stefanos Tsitsipas was eliminated by Sebastian Korda in a 7-6 (7-4) 6-3 score.

Elsewhere, Fifth Seed Casper Ruud Advanced with a 6-4 7-6 (7-4) victory over Alejandro Tabilo but 12th Seed Tommy Paul was eliminated with 23rd seed Francisco Cerundolodown 6-2 7-6 (7-4).

Does Djokovic have a level to get him over Grand Slam Finishing line?

Gigi Salmon and Jamie Delgado open on the Miami
Jamie Delgado spoke with Gigi Salmon about the best chance of Novak Djokovic to win a 25th Grand Slam

Jamie Delgado, the coach of Grigor Dimitrov, said Sky Sport Tennis From the chances of Djokovic in Miami: “In Australia I thought he had a big chance to win. He was clearly injured, but he still defeated [Carlos] Alcaraz in a quarter -final match.

“I think he would have been in a final if he hadn't been injured and he should play in a one -off final [Jannik] Sinner on a hard court – it's hard – but I'm looking forward to his chances in those competitions.

“I think Wimbledon would be his greatest chance.”

Is the continuation of the Murray-Djokovic Partnership a good thing?

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Djokovic asked his coach Murray to advise what to do during the second Serve back and back during his match against Rinky Hijikata on the Miami Open

Delgado, who also coached Andy Murray from 2016-21, also spoke about the Player-Coach Partnership that will continue to Wimbledon and possibly further.

He said: “Andy has a great tennis brain and he played Novak. He knows what it's like to play against other opponents and he also played against all young people, Alcaraz and Sinner.

“From a tactical point of view, I think it can be very useful for Novak.”

Colin Fleming on comment said: “I have to believe that there is an element of Murray that the curtain wants to withdraw and see how Djokovic is doing. There must be an element of intrigues there, I think.

“Andy is in a certain sense to someone in his time. It is an intriguing coaching -challenging for him.

“There is potential for Djokovic Come Roland Garros, Wimbledon and open us this year. He's in the mix.”

Swiatek: This is not the perfect way to support me

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Highlights when Iga Swiatek Elise Mertens defeated to reach the last 16 of a Masters 1000 event for record 25th consecutive time

Former champion Iga Swiatek Earned a 7-6 (7-2) 6-1 victory over Elise Mertens who made the Polish second seed the first player to reach the last 16 of a WTA 1000 event in 25 consecutive performances.

Swiatek offered a revealing look at her emotional state in recent months In a long -term social media message on Monday that also discussed online criticism that she received for almost beating a Ball Boy by hitting a ball in anger between points.

The post also touched her doping suspension, and came to a grip on the fact that she might not return to the world no. 1 this season and opened the fact that she “cried daily three weeks”.

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Swiatek said that her social media post partially informed her home fans the better to support her and said it is not easy in Poland

Spend against Sky Sports' Gigi Salmon, she said: “I explained why my frustrations have been a little higher in recent months. It is hard to say that it is silent because I am mentally finished during tournaments. I do not check what happens on the internet, but in Poland it is sometimes not easy.

“I think that more people are far away from what is generally going on with players and athletes abroad. At home they like to concentrate on every little thing that went wrong, so I just wanted them to know that this is not the perfect way to support me, but I know there are fans who are supportive.

“This message was for them to explain why I was a bit frustrated and what was in my head last month. I just wanted to let it go and concentrate on the future.

“I feel a little better and I feel that I can just do my work and not have much pressure and control. I will judge the situation after the tournament when I actually go on the internet.”

The next for Swiateek will be a collision with Ukrainian 22nd seed Elina SvitolinaA 6-2 3-6 6-2 winner on the Czech 15th Seed Karolina Muchova.

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Marta Kostyuk hit a bait to win her match against Anna Blinkova 6-2 6-1

Australian Open Champion Madison Keys was dumped and dropped 6-4 6-2 to Filipino Yoker Sign Alexandra Eala.

Next for Eala, who has trained at Mallorca at the Rafa Nadal academy in Mallorca since she was 13, will be Spanish 10th seed Paula BadosaA 6-3 7-6 (7-3) winner on Dane Clara Tauson.

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