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News – Hockey Australia

News – Hockey Australia




Hockey in Australia will get a world -class boost, with the world's leading turf manufacturer, Polytan, who takes over the helm as the official peat partner of Hockey Australia and the Hockey One League.

Polytan remains the official peat partner of the International Hockey Federation (FIH). As part of this, Polytan's Hockey Turf Range, Poligras, has presented at eight Olympic Games and three world cups and was recently confirmed as the official hockey grass of the Los Angeles 2028 Olympic Games.

The new two-year partnership today announced with Hockey Australia and the Hockey One League will see Polytan improving pitches and facilities in Australia-a huge coup for current and future hockey players nationwide.

The agreement also sees Polytan to guarantee the presenting rights to the National Championship events of Australia. The National Championships contain a series of eight events that show the best age players of the Under 14 Championships to the Under 21 Championships, the leading regional players on the Country Championships, every 34+ age group on the Masters and Women's Championships and the best of the best of the Bests.

The state-of-the-performance center of excellence of Hockey Australia, proudly supported by the WA government, will also contain new polytan peat polytan. Work on the center has already started the installation of Polytan's next 2026 World Cup -Pitch. Further redevelopment includes the installation of the Poligras turf that has been developed exclusively for the Los Angeles games from 2028 for the Kookaburras and Hockeyroos to prepare.

David Pyles, CEO of Hockey Australia, says that Polytan is the perfect addition to the Australian hockey family, especially given their dedication to the development of improved environmentally friendly surfaces, which is in line with the sustainability goals of Hockey Australia.

“Polytan's Australically made surfaces of world class, from Olympic stadiums to local fields, have long put the benchmark for excellence in hockey. While we are looking ahead to a crucial period for our sport, this partnership said a crucial role in Hackey in Australia,” said Pryyeses.

“Hockey Australia and Polytan unite in the vision of bringing communities and people together through sport, and I look forward to ensuring that this partnership hockey at all levels, from Grassroots, from our player Pathway National Championships and to elite competition improves.”

Hockey One League Executive Manager, Sash Herceg, is pleased to officially solidify this old partnership with the Premier Hockey League of Australia, played on the best squares in the world.

“With the competition that Australia and the world's top hockey talent shows, it is fantastic to officially collaborate with Polytan, a world leader in Premium turf. Their surfaces of World Class will continue to raise one competition if we enter our fifth season,” Herceg said. Polytan's head of Hockey, Paul Kamphuis, is of the opinion that Polytan is really the leading partner of hockey, who has been committed to supporting and investing in sport for many years.

“This partnership with Hockey Australia marks an exciting milestone, especially with Brisbane 2032 on the horizon and the continuous success of the Hockey One League. The future of Hockey in Australia is incredibly promising, with exceptional young talent that is scientific in promoting a key rol, te te te te te te te te te te te te te te Te Te Te Te in the Keytan in the Keytan. to be high-per-performance. “

About Polytan
Polytan is the world leader in the design, production and installation of synthetic sports surfaces. With a commitment to bring people and communities together through sport,

Polytan also leads the way when developing ecological sustainable surfaces through its own green technology.

Poligras is the worldwide brand of Polytan for hockey grass, which has supplied the play surfaces for eight Olympic Games, including the Olympic Games in Paris 2024 with its revolutionary Poligras Paris GT Zero, the world's first carbon-zero hockey grass.

Visit: To contact a hockey grass agent: Contact a hockey expert – Poligras hockey peat – chosen for 8 Olympic Games and 7 World Cups.




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