Meeen Ali: former English all -rounder says education around racism in cricket not taken seriously enough | Cricket -Nieuws

Former English Allrounder Meeen Ali says that education does not have a priority when it comes to tackling racism in the English cricket.
In 2023 a report from the Independent Commission for Equity in Cricket (ICEC) showed that racism in the English cricket is “deep -rooted”.
Meeen, who played nearly 300 games for England, including 68 tests for ten years, said Sky Sports He believes that racism is normalized in the English cricket and says: “people don't know that they do it half the time”.
He said: “One thing that many people will probably not know about me personally is that I would call it. Especially since I was established more. And unfortunately you have the feeling that once you are located, you have a voice.”
Meeen, who became the first British Asian of Captain England in a T20 international when he led the side of Australia in 2020, believes that education is the key in tackling racism in sport.
“I don't think it has enough priority, not at all,” he said. “It doesn't mean you need a doctorate or something, it's just a little knowing.”
'I have always focused on the performance on the field'
In November, the ECB published action plans for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), including the ambition to train 2,000 employees in Cricket in inclusion and tackling discrimination after the ICEC report.
They are currently halfway through a program to train 150 leaders in the game, including provincial seats and CEOs, about racial literacy.
They have also developed new workshops for identifying talent with a focus on reducing bias and performing anti-racism events for people who work in cricket, delivered by the race in Cricket Network.
When he spoke about how he dealt with racism, Meeen said, who ended his English career with 6,678 runs, eight centuries, 28 fifties and 366 wickets in all formats that his philosophy was to concentrate on his performance on the field.
He added: “My father always told me, when you score runs and take your wickets, even if someone holds something against you, whether it's your religious background or color – whatever it is, they have to choose you at some point. As long as you keep beating the door.
“So that was my thing, it was like:” Forget what people think, I'm going to do it well and if they choose me, they choose me if they don't, then they don't do that. “
“That is at the same time in the present, but it is not always so easy for people and it is not always as simple and simple as that.”
When the findings of the ICEC report were published, 44 suggestions for corrective measures were made.
Six months later, the ECB launched one New independent regulatory body As part of a response to those recommendations, to “supervise the cricket regulator, the new research and prosecution unit was established in December 2023” and to investigate “the ECB board and to advise on the policy, approach and legislation of the regulatory and integrity of the game”.
'It is very important to call racism'
Moeen said that a positive thing from Azem Rafiq spoke about racism with which he was confronted with in Yorkshire County Cricket Club, is that more people feel that they now have a voice and have a better chance of reporting racism in cricket.
“There are also ways to call it out. It is not a fight or fight, it might be someone to take aside or even if a joke:” Look, what you say is not good, “he said.
“I think I had a good way to say or call it and I think that is also very important.
“The timing is very important – you don't have to say it for a large group of people and embarrass the person because he didn't mean it or it is just normalized and he just doesn't know.
“People are ignorant about things and I am also ignorant about many things, so I understand what it is like and I think it is very important that you also know the situation in which you are.”
Moeen, one of the most controversial Muslim athletes in the country, says he helped his teammates from England about his faith.
“I think the gap is closed – not entirely, but I think it's closer together than ever. Especially in the dressing room of England,” he said. “Boys who deal with me probably did not have the same interaction or as a close interaction with other Muslim people.
“I just hope that even one person said:” You know what, Muslims are not bad people and they are just normal or good, whatever it is, “because there is a lot of negativity about that kind of subject.
“My role as a person, as a Muslim, is to show people – not to tell people – that Muslims are not really bad.”
Ali likes role model and padel!
Moeen recently announced plans to retire this summer from County Cricket after a player-coach stint with Warwickshire in the Vitality Blast. Now he ends his level three coaching qualification that he hopes to complete with the summer.
“I really enjoy the team environment. I really enjoy inspiring, motivating and helping, so hopefully I will get the rewards of people performing for England,” he said. “It's about the players and trying to improve people, not just as players, but as people.”
Looking back on his career in England, in which he also played 138 ODIs and 92 T20is, says Moeen, although “was” part of the furniture “for 10 years, was a great performance, the best part was a role model.
“The things that are really sticking out when people say:” My child loves cricket because of you “or” My son is a big fan or my daughter is a huge fan, “he said.
“Even now, when I see people in public who watched me and supported me during my career, I can see the joy in their faces, which is the most important thing for me.”
After he is a step away from cricket, Meeen now spends time on the Padel right bench whenever he can.
“It's very addictive. I've been playing for a year and I love it. Everywhere I am going now, I try to play Padel.”
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