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USC has number 1 class in 2026 College Football Recruiting Cycle: Will Trojans close the deal this time?

USC has number 1 class in 2026 College Football Recruiting Cycle: Will Trojans close the deal this time?



USC is on its way to a flaring start that compiles its 2026 recruitment class. After landing of three Top247 perspectives alone in the month of March, the Trojans are alone with the number 1 recruitment class in the nation with a broad margin.

The Trojan horses are stimulated by 15 obligations, most of each FBS program. But even because of the average recruit rating, USC is number 8. Defensive lineman Jaimeon Winfield from Richardson, Texas, was the newest important addition, which ranked the number 66 player in the classroom. With a great appetite on the road and several important commits, USC is positioned to compete seriously to secure the number 1 class in the nation if things keep following this direction.

A top-five high school class would be the first for USC under coach Lincoln Riley and only since 2018. Unlike Riley's previous top class in 2023, the group is not surpassed with offensive skills talent; The top five players are defenders. But during the landing of 10 TOP247 -Prasts is a strong start of the recruitment class, last year's echoes are hanging over it.

USC must finish the job this time

A year ago, however, USC was in the same boat. The Trojan horses had four different five -star perspectives that were dedicated to the program in 2024, including three striking defensive rulers. None of them made the campus when USC fell at the no. 14 recruitment class in high school in the country.

The only five stars that eventually signed was Quarterback Husan Longstreet, and he only hit his hometown program after USC lost the dedication of Julian Lewis to Colorado in November. In general, 11 blue-chip perspectives have rejected the class on different points. Eight players moved in obligations later than November 2024. Half of them were defensive players.

Similarly, USC was loaded on the defense in 2026. Linebacker Xavier Griffin is the best player in Georgia and is number 8 in the Top247. Four of the top six players come from southern California, including four-star cornerback RJ Sprons. Each is still being pursued heavily by teams of championship caliber.

There has been a lot of excitement about the low season around an improved USC defense, which jump from no. 119 to 77 in total defense under first-year defensive coordinator d'Anton Lynn. However, if it was time to bind, players ultimately chose more reliable programs such as Texas and Georgia.

Prominent rent outside season can be the key to the class of USC

There is one secret weapon in the second attempt by USC: General Director Chad Bowden. The Trojans spent top dollar to lure bowden from the Notre Dame. Earlier his most important roles came under Irish coach Marcus Freeman. Bowden was director of recruitment for two years before earning a formal promotion for General Manager. He helped with the construction of a defensive-first schedule that the College Football Playoff National Championship.

“We are going to take most high school children who once took this place this year,” said Bowden per 247Sports. “I really believe that a culture can be built by recruitment, and it can be done, especially if they are from high school. We are going to recruit most boys we ever have.”

The Trojan horses have leaned heavily on the transfer portal in the first three seasons of Riley and sign 65 transfers in four years. Bowden has been open about wanting to reorient the Trojan horses for the recruitment of high school for long -term advantage. The more balanced scheduling structure approach could pay large dividends.

USC invested huge resources in Riley when it poached him after the 2021 season from Oklahoma. He only delivered a record of 26-14 to the school and went back every season. The team slid from No. 10 to 15 in 247Sports Talent Composite about his term of office.

From a warm start on the recruitment path is a nice blessing for the staff. To return to national fame under Riley, the Trojans must close the deal in December.




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