Matt Bowen's five favorite NFL OffSeason -Movements for Fantasy Football

In recent months I have viewed tape on NFL -Free agents and writing evaluations. Veterane
Today I choose my five favorite movements, aimed at player characteristics, schedule -fit, volume options and more.
We start with an experienced broad recipient who has been brought to an ideal place to immediately offer fantasy numbers this season.
Wr Davante Adams joins Los Angeles Rams
Given the route properties of Adams and his fit in the attack of Sean McVay, I saw this as the best step in the free desk. Adams, who had an average of 17.2 Fantasy PPG during his time with the Las Vegas Raiders and New York Jets last season, is still one of the best in getting loose versus press-man defense. He can also separate on the ball. And Adams can find open grass, with the help of his coverage consciousness to sit in windows. That is the key when playing as the X receiver (opposite Puka Nacua) where Adams can win back for Quarterback Matthew Stafford.
In the McVay system, one that is heavy on condensed sets and movement/movement, Adams will also be planned, including free access to the ball, running crossers (catches and run), attacking the center of the field in-breakers and finding the emptiness on flood concepts.
Remember that Adams caught 85 passes last year and he can still insulate in the low red zone. An upgrade about Cooper Kupp, Adams is in line this season to post the upper WR2 numbers.
Chicago Bears Upgrade Offensive front for QB Caleb Williams
Orlovsky: Bears have top-10 offensive line with Drew Dalman
Dan Orlovsky breaks down what Drew Dalman's arrival in the Chicago Bears means for Caleb Williams.
Williams on average 15.0 Fantasy PPG as Rookie and posted five games with 22 or more points. We also saw flashes of his playing capacity. And Williams did that behind a talent-deficient offensive line (while he worked with two different offensive coordinators). That is why the movements of the bears make this list. The pre-Draft offseason additives to the interior of the O-Line, in combination with hiring new head coach Ben Johnson, should put Williams in a place to take the second-year jump.
Chicago exchanged for guards Joe Thuney, still one of the top players in his position, and Jonah Jackson, a Mauler who can process power in pass protection. Moreover, the team also signed Drew Dalman, my top center in free agency.
The keys here? Veteran Talent in advance to keep the pocket company for Williams and Johnson and create a greater sense of calm for his quarterback although coaching and arrangement. Register. Williams becomes a lower QB1 in my summer ranking.
Denver Broncos sign in Evan Enggram
There is an immediate opportunity for Enggram to see the target volume in Denver's attack, and coach Sean Payton can create for him as a “Move” player in the Call magazine.
ENGRAM played last season in just nine games with the Jacksonville Jaguars due to an injury and only had 9.9 ppg. But when Enggram played a full 17-game season in 2023, he caught a career-high 114 fits and an average of 13.5 ppg.
Search in Denver for Engraam that is used at all three levels of the field, using his versatility of the alignment to make matchup edges, while Payton works to get it open underneath on catch-and-run goals of second-year QB BO NIX. Think of crossers, screens and more, because 51.4% of the total receiving yard of Enggram came over the past two seasons after the catch. He plays with Ball Carrier Vision in the open field.
With broad receiver Courtland Sutton, the only volume goal that is currently in the Rooster of Broncos, Enggram has a shot to produce 1 numbers from the middle to lower tier.
Jets sign QB Justin Fields
In his six starts with the Pittsburgh Steelers last season, Fields were on average 18.9 ppg. And I saw positives on the tape. Fields improved both his pocket vision and footwork, plus he hurried for 235 yards and five touchdowns. The jets will also donate for this, with the help of the Dual-DREAT features of Fields on designed Carry's, which creates scoring opportunities in the low red zone.
Fields has a dynamic No. 1 broad recipient in Garrett Wilson who can stretch the defense on the circumference and can attract numbers after the catch. Moreover, the decline of Breece Hall can work as a lower outlet and become free in the pass game on high percentage throws.
The jets may also be able to add more Pass-Catchers through the design. And with the ability of Fields to run the ball, he will be in the mix like a QB1 that can produce breakout weeks.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers sign WRIS Godwin again
Godwin led the NFL with 50 receptions (30 from lock lines), while on average the 19.7 ppg (WR5) became an average of a seasonal ankle injury in week 7 last season. Of course, the BUCs will undergo a transition among the new gamer Josh Grizzard, but we know how Godwin can be used against Mike Evans.
With the inside/outdoor flex to attack defenses, Godwin is more than willing to work the heavy traffic areas of the field, and he can shake freely in space. Last season, 59.7% of the receiving totals of Godwin came after the catch. He is a smart route buyer with the open-field toughness to change from the center of the field to large games. And when you combine the characteristics of Godwin with the aggressive throwing mentality of Quarterback Baker Mayfield, the numbers will be there.
I bet on a healthy Godwin to produce fixed WR2 figures, along with a few WR1 weeks.
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