CAA Men's and Women's Tennis Weekly Awards – 25 March

CAA Men's and Women's Tennis Weekly Awards – 25 March
Richmond, va. (March 25, 2025) Elon Senior Juan Sengariz was selected as the CAA Mens Tennis Player of the Week, while CAA Womens Tennis Player of the Week -Destructions went to UNCW Junior Eda Arli. UNCWS Jordi Domenech and Joseph Wayand received Doubles Team of the Week Honors and William & Marys Emma Fernald and Mira Kernagis were chosen as the Womens Doubles team of the week.
CAA Mens Tennis Player of the Week
Juan Sengariz, Sr., Elon (Santander, Spain)
Sengariz placed a 2-0 mark in Singles and double when Elon No. 70 Gardner-Webb (5-2) and UNC Asheville (5-2) hit his fifth victory in the past six games. The senior played at no. 6 singles and drove past Gardner-Webbs Boyd Schreiber, 6-2, 6-1, before Uncas Griffin Lovern, 6-3, 6-2, Topping to extend his winning series to four. Sengariiz also collaborated with Charles Pilet at number 3 for convincing 6-2 and 6-1 wins at No. 3 Doubles.
CAA Mens Tennis Doubles Team of the Week
Jordi Domenech, SO., UNCW (Almuncar, Spain)
Joseph Wayand, Sr., UNCW (Cary, NC)
Domenech and Wayand went 2-0 at number 1 Doubles to help UNCW victories on Njit (5-0) and Kennesaw State (6-1). The Seahawks duo rolled past Njits Pablo Perez Ramos and Nejc Skorjanc, 6-2, and followed a 6-3 triumph over Kennesaws Hugo Salmeron and Kyvan Rietkerk. Domenech and Wayand improved to 4-1 during the season. They also combined to go 3-0 in Singles last week.
CAA Womens Tennis Player of the Week
Eda Arli, jr., UNCW (Izmir, Turkey)
Arli helped UNCW to achieve critical conference extraction on Towson (6-1) and Campbell (4-3) with a few victories over number 1 singles. The Junior rolled along Towson's Tamme, 6-1, 6-1, and defeated Campbells Sonia Pieczynska, 7-5, 6-3. Arli also went 1-1 with partner Elif Albayrak at number 1 Doubles.
CAA Womens Tennis Double Team of the Week
Emma Fernald, Sr., William & Mary (St. Petersburg, Fla.)
Mira Kernagis, Fr., William & Mary (Glen Ellyn, ill.)
Fernald and Kernagis achieved the double point in both games last week when William & Mary Fordham (4-3) and CAA Foe Charleston (5-2) defeated. Plays on the No. 3 Slot and fought the tribe Tandem along Fordhams Cata Padilla Udaeta and Paola Ueno Dalmonico, 7-6 (3) after the teams had divided the other two games. Against Charleston, they defeated McKenzie Daniel and Jaiden McKee, 6-2. Fernald and Kernagis have won five straight matches and are 8-3 in the season.
CAA Mens Tennis Players of the Week
January 28 Josh Reynolds, Hofstra
February 4 Joseph Wayand, UNCW
February 11 Sam Nicholson, UNCW
February 18 Will Burridge, Drexel
February 25 Harold Huens, UNCW
March 4 Euan Mackenzie, Delaware
March 11 Adam Hillerby, Monmouth and Rafael Ymer, Elon
March 18 Tobey Lock, Delaware and Ian Pedersen, North Carolina A&T
March 25 Juan Sengaris, Elon
CAA Mens Dubble Teams of the Week
January 28 Alexandre Gluck/Ram Mude, Delaware
February 4 Harold Huens/Lukas Steffen, UNCW
11 February Oliver HAGUE/GUR TRAKHTENBERG, William & Mary
February 18 Oliver HAGUE/GUR TRAKHTENBERG, William & Mary
February 25 Jakob Bonnett/Adam Hillerby, Monmouth
March 4 Veljko Krsty/Oskar Antinheimo, Elon
March 11 Donte Armbrister/Marko Stoilkovski, Hampton
March 18 Sean Joseph/Gur Trakhtenberg, William & Mary
Joseph Wayand, Uncu
CAA Womens Tennis Players of the Week
January 28 Mariana Reding, Elon
February 4 Hedda Gurholt, William & Mary
February 11 Maryia Hrynashka, Delaware
February 18 Alessandra Anghel, William & Mary
February 25 Alina Vasilenko, Delaware
March 4 Heidi Bulger, Elon
March 11 – Sonia Pieczynska, Campbell
March 18 Hedda Gurholt, William & Mary and Helen Sarikulaya, Elon
March 25 EDA Arli, UNCW
CAA Womens Dubble Teams of the Week
January 28 Simone Bergeron/Mariana Reding, Elon
4 February Alessandra Anghel/Francesca Davis, William & Mary
11 February Mila Charles/Elena Lobo-Corral, Stony Brook
February 18 Elisa Rigazio/Sofiya Snitko, Drexel
February 25 Ma Masa Mitic/Miiiiira, Hampton
March 4 Maryia Hrynashka/Paulina Jurkowska, Delaware
March 11 Alicia Eberwein/Stela Joksimovic, UNCW
March 18 Cornelia Kack/Alina Vasilenko, Delaware
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