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UNC Asheville – Official athletics website



Asheville, NC – UNC Asheville Women's Tennis hosts this week Gardner-Webb and Radford in Big South Conference Action.

Unc Asheville vs. Gardner-Webb

Wednesday 26 March 2025 | 2 pm Asheville, NC | Asheville Racquet Club downtown

About Asheville – Asheville comes in the matchup on 9-5 general and 1-0 in the Big South Conference after a 6-1 win over Longwood on Saturday (March 22). Asheville has a record of 56-24 in Singles that plays together with a combined 23-14 doubles record. Angelina Joy Hug Leads the bulldogs in singles play with 10 victories, while Louise Booker Has nine and Elizabeth Tinder has eight. Valeria Centeno And Keira Stewart Each has seven victories while Julia Caffarena has six and Alexis Nyborg has five. Avery Sager And Lice van Rensburg There are also two wins playing in singles. Hug/Ari -sealing And Sager/Booker each has six victories in doubles, while Tindera/Centeno has five victories in doubles. Nyborg/Tiernera and Siegel/Van Rensburg each have two victories in doubles, while Hug/Tindea and Nyborg/Centeno each have one victory in doubles.

About Gardner -Webb – Gardner-Webb comes in the matchup on 6-7 general and 2-1 in the big south after a 6-1 loss in Charleston Southern on Sunday (March 23). Gardner-Webb has a combined 48-51 singles record together with a 21-29 combined double record. Emilia Roslund is at the forefront of playing Singles with 10 victories, Whiel Milica Prokic and Courtney Fyvie each have seven victories and Emma Shasteen also has six victories. Katie Watts also has five wins in Singles Play. Azilee Pulin and Fyvie are at the forefront of doubles with seven victories, while Roslund/Shasteen and Watts/Prokic each have five victories in doubles. Four other double tandems each have one win.

Serial history – This will be the 18one Always meeting between Asheville and Gardner-Webb, with Gardner-Webb the all-time series 9-8 leads. Asheville has won the last two meetings in the series, including a 6-1 win last season on March 7, 2024 in Boiling Springs.

Unc Asheville vs. Radford

Saturday March 29, 2025 | 1 pm Asheville, NC | Asheville Racquet Club downtown

About Radford – Radford enters the matchup at 3-7 general and 1-0 in the Big South after a loss of 4-3 to North Carolina Central on Sunday (March 23). Radford has a combined 22-36 record in Singles game together with an 8-19 combined double record. Julia Abrams, Michaela Stephens and Lexi Smolder each have five victories in Singles games, while Rachel Ekanem has three victories and Brooke Murphy and Natalia Reimer each have two wins. Murphy/Stephens have four victories in doubles, while Abrams and Smolder have three victories and Ekanem and Reimer also have one victory.

Serial history – This will be the 23RD Matchup of all time between Asheville and Radford, with Radford that led the series of all time 12-10. Asheville has won the last three meetings in the series, including a 4-0 win last season in Asheville on April 19, 2024.

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