2026 Offensive Tackle Sam Greer gives dedication
Ryan Day thanks for the National Championship Run
On January 26, 2025, head coach Ryan Day of Ohio speaks with fans during the Football Playoff National Championship Celebration College at Ohio Stadium.
Ohio State was the first program that Hoban Offensive Tackle Sam Greer offered a fair on April 26, 2023, when he was a first -year student.
Two years later quickly ahead and the 6-foot-6, 310 ponder has committed to the Buckeyes.
Vulture confirmed that Tuesday when he chose the national champions over Missouri, Tennessee and Florida.
“That played a major role. They saw what I could do,” said Greer. “I didn't earn that offer, but they saw the potential for me.”
Many colleges saw that potential as the two -sportingatleet where he is a state champion in basketball, had offers from more than 25 schools, including Michigan, Auburn, Florida State and Michigan.
Greer fell in love with the Buckeyes, who gave him an offer before he once played a Varsity snap. To understand the importance of this, such offers only come to players such as Nick Bosa.
A limited second -year season did not look for Ohio State, who saw his incredible benefit.
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A different level reached that advantage when Greer grew into his potential with an incredible junior season that Hoban helped in the semi -finals of Division III last fall.
The Relations of the State Ohio deserved Sam Greer's football obligation
Greer's relationship with Buckeyes -Coach Ryan Day and offensive line coach Justin Frye was symbiotic from the start, but when Frye left to become the O-Line coach for the Arizona Cardinals The Hoban star wanted to ensure that the new coach of Ohio State was just as good as his old one.
He visited the Buckeyes last week and had the opportunity to rub elbows with a new line coach Tyler BowenAnd he found the same fight, dedication and determination that he had seen in Frye.
“He visited so many different places, but he just looked at me and said,” Coach, I know where I'm going. You know where I'm going, “said Hoban -Coach Tim Tyrrell. “I'm so of it, yes. He goes: 'I'm ready. “”
Tyrrell indicated that Greer will graduate early and register in January to only play football for the Buckeyes.
Ohio State will turn Sam Greer from Animal Lineman into a monster talent
Greer is the sixth obligation for the Buckeyes in the 2026 and the second attacking tackle. He joins Avon Lake Lineman Maxwell Riley, who dedicated himself in the state of Ohio on 10 March.
All six commits for the Buckeyes are four-star standouts are higher.
“I could really just say that I was one of the top priorities, and that really just made this away,” said Greer. “That was my whole goal to get this thing with before the last year of football.
“Their background with attacking rulers was great. They have had three who have to be set up this year, and it is close to home. I have always been Buckeye.”
He doesn't lie.
Tackle Josh Simmons is expected to go in the first round and Donovan Jackson is chosen to go in the second round. Add center Seth McLaughlin And it is easy to see that Ohio State knows how to develop players in the trenches.
“There are so many children who are three or four-year-old starters and they are just as good as they come to the level of high school,” Tyrrell said. “If Sam still had high school for two years, he would be the number 1 Lineman in the country. You saw it from the start of the play -offs this year until the end of the play -offs.
“That is what Ohio State told me. The new line coach was like:” Coach, it's great to view him from the start of the season compared to the end of the season. He is a completely different person. ” … he will have a full year of high school this fall and he will be great for us, and I think it will be the best in the state of Ohio if it is all said and done.
“His potential is untouched. This year was really his first year in the weight space. Imagine he pressed 315 on the couch as if it were 120, just throwing around. He will be so much better.”
Please contact Brad Bournival at and follow him on Twitter on @bbournival
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