Local Hockey Trio goes to Nationals

By in Donnelly
Alexandria, Va-three young hockey players in the Mount Vernon region have summarized their skates, fought on the ice and chased the dream of tournament defense. Until this season, that dream remained just out of reach. Despite the fact that in the past two years they spent an amazing 13 times to the final, they could not hoist the championship trophy now. For three years, Hanna Gunlycke (#90, Offense), Maeve Donnelly (#48, Defense) and Virginia Gilliam (#56, goalie) have locked up the arms as teammates and friends at the Saint James in Springfield, Virginia in their Girls Ice Hockey.
This season was anything but too short of matches and practices with their teammates, Hanna, Maeve and Virginia have played more than 50 games and have participated in almost 100 practices since mid -August 2024. Due to victories, losses, video assessment sessions, fast practices, insufficient off-itin training, they have applied their play to improve their playing and as a team demonstrate, patience, patience, patience, inhuman, insufficient, insufficient practices, insufficient practices, insufficient off-actkin.

The breakthrough moment of the teams came to the most important Ice prospects MLK Mountain Mayhem Tournament in Denver, Colorado in January 2025, where they finally recorded their first tournament title. That victory set the tone for what has become in a season of Triumph. The girls and their team then dominated two extra local competition tournaments and took the Chesapeake Bay Hockey League (CBHL) Girls 14U Gold Division Championship and the Potomac Valley Amateur Hockey Association (Pvaha) Tier Girls Championship. Their victory over the PVAHA tournament earned them a coveted place at the USA Hockey Southovern District Tournament, where they would be confronted with competition from 11 states and the District of Columbia.

The weekend of 8 March their journey reached a new peak. During the SouthEastern District Tournament Championship, in Estero, Florida, the team faced heavy competition and suffered an early loss. Feeded by Fortitude, the experience of the past Hartzeer and Trust in themselves, their teammates and their game plan won three consecutive games, including a competitive final against the team that had previously defeated them. With that victory, they hit their ticket to the Chipotle USA Hockey National Championship 2025.
Now Hanna, Maeve, Virginia and their teammates are preparing for the largest stage and yet the national championships in Coral Springs, Florida, which will take place the first week of April. After years of shortcoming, their perseverance has paid off in the greatest way.
Due to pure grit, strength and an unbreakable band, this trio helped to lead their team from Near-Miss to national position. Their story is proof of the power of determination and a reminder that perseverance always pays off. While they put their sights on subjects, one thing is certain: this team is not finished writing history.
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