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Saginaw area basketball players, players of the week vote



The girls finished their high school basketball season on Friday, with all eyes on the playoffs, while the boys still have a week of the regular season before heading to the tournament.

Who has a hot hand in the playoffs? Who had the best week last week? Fans can vote for their favorite player for player of the week until 9 a.m. on Friday, March 6.

Connor Arnold, Coleman

Coleman swept his two games over the course of the week, starting with a 64-55 win over Farwell, with Connor Arnold leading with 22 points and six rebounds. In a 61-58 overtime victory over Breckenridge, Arnold scored 31 points, including five free throws in overtime, and recovered 11 rebounds.

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Kadyn Blanchard, Freeland

Kadyn Blanchard continues to end his career at Freeland with great games. She scored 20 points in a 77-20 victory over Ogemaw Heights, then followed with a 15 point game at Freelands 54-35 against Essexville Garber.

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Lexi Boyke, Frankenmuth

Frankenmuth freshman Lexi Boyke scored 21 points with six rebounds, three blocked shots and three interceptions in a 57-48 victory over Caro, despite missing time in the game with an injured ankle. She followed with nine points in the Eagles Senior Night's victory over Alma, 52-33.

Mackenzie Egger, Mount Pleasant

Mackenzie Egger opened the week with 15 points, 19 rebounds and six blocked shots in a 34-29 win over Bay City Western. The Oilers followed with a 47-45 victory over Flint Powers, Egger scoring the winning points on a pair of free throws 22 seconds to go. She finished with 28 points, 16 rebounds and seven interceptions in the game.

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Nolan Finkbeiner, Hemlock

Hemlock stayed at the top of the Tri-Valley Conference West with victories over Ithaca and Millington. In a 49-41 victory over Ithaca, Nolan Finkbeiner scored 17 points. He followed with 18 points in a 58-47 victory over Millington.

St. Charles senior Joey Gonzales

Joey Gonzales leads the St. Charles boys' basketball team.

Joey Gonzales, Saint-Charles

St. Charles swept his two games, Joey Gonzales paving the way for two wins at Tri-Valley Conference West. In a 56-54 win over Michigan Lutheran Seminary, Gonzales scored 15 points. He followed with 22 points in a 59-53 victory over Valley Lutheran.

Carrollton Boys Basketball defeats visitors to Reese 77-70

Reese's second student, Damarquss Palmreuter, prepares for a layup during the first half of Wednesday, January 22, 2020 in the township of Carrollton, Michigan. Carrollton won the game 77-70. (Riley Yuan | Yuan |

Damarquss Palmreuter, Reese

Damarquss Palmreuter struck the equalizing bucket to send the Reeses game against Bay City Central in overtime. Palmreuter finished with 25 points in the 73-71 loss. He followed with 18 points in a 73-50 Greater Thumb West win over Cass City.

Hemlock defeats Saginaw Arts & Science Academy to advance to Michigan basketball playoffs

Saginaw Academy of Arts and Sciences junior Amaka Unobagha (10) manages to block 22-year-old Katy Snyder while Hemlock hosts Saginaw Academy of Arts and Sciences of the first round of the women's basketball tournament, Monday March 4, 2019.Kaytie Boomer | MLive

Amaka Unobagha, Saginaw Arts & Sciences

Amaka Unobagha didn't score the most points, but the SASA senior dominated the Dragons games in the other categories. In a 52-45 loss to Chesaning, Unobagha only scored nine points, but managed 22 rebounds with five assists and five blocked shots. In a 42-27 victory over Morrice, Unobagha scored eight points, but grabbed 17 rebounds and blocked 12 shots.

Hemlock girls' basketball beats Nouvel 46-39

Hemlock's rookie Chloe Watson drives to the basket during the first semester at New Catholic Central High School on Friday February 14, 2020 in Saginaw, Michigan. Hemlock defeated Nouvel 46-39. (Riley Yuan | Yuan |

Chloe Watson, hemlock

Hemlock's rookie Chloe Watson won in a confrontation with Hushaies Tri-Valley Conference West with Ithaca, scoring 14 points in Hemlocks 41-39's victory. She followed with 18 points in the Huskies' 58-31 victory over Millington.

Vallery Lutheran Boys Basketball defeated Millington 52-49.

Millington senior Zac Yorke drives to the basket during the first semester at Valley Lutheran High School on Tuesday January 21, 2020 in Saginaw, Michigan. Valley Lutheran won the game 52-49. (Riley Yuan | Yuan |

Zac Yorke, Millington

Millington shared his two games last week, with Zac Yorke scoring 34 points in a 75-64 victory over Valley Lutheran to start the week. Yorke followed with 23 points and 14 rebounds in a 58-47 loss to first-place Hemlock.


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