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Generation Grit Award: ST to honor inspiring millennials, Singapore News & Top Stories


From young adults who suffered from serious illnesses or experiencing childhoods to a para athlete who took advantage of his situation, millennials shared their personal stories to encourage and inspire others in the Generation Grit column of the Straits Times last year.

They will now be honored in the second edition of the Straits Times Generation Grit award.

The annual award was created in partnership with the reinsurance company Swiss Re and was launched last year to celebrate the inspiring millennials in their twenties and thirties.

Three winners will be selected from a group of 21 candidates and will receive $ 5,000 each.

Applicants include Ms. Boo Kai Ni, 23, who was born with a rare and severe heart condition that made it difficult for her to do simple tasks, such as climbing stairs.

Ms. Boo said she was grateful to have been nominated and hoped that her story would touch more people.

Generation Grit stories allow audiences to gain a rare and deep insight into a person’s motivations and past, she said.

“Everyone has a different story, and it’s great to be able to read some of these inner stories,” added Ms. Boo, a final year student at Republic Polytechnic.

Another candidate is Mr. Alwyn Keng, 28, who lost the use of his legs after an abnormal accident during his first year at university.

He devoted himself to his studies after the accident and graduated with the highest distinction from the National University of Singapore.

“I believe we are made to live differently because life thinks we have the capacity to manage it,” said Keng, a product specialist at a bank.

Para-athlete Claire Toh also found a silver lining in the midst of adversity.

Ms. Toh, 26, was left paralyzed in 2012 after a mysterious fall from the fourth floor, but continued to represent Singapore in table tennis in regional competitions.

The public can reread their stories and vote for their favorite candidate from today to April 12 at

The results will be announced in the Straits Times in early May.

Russell Higginbotham, Managing Director of Swiss Re Asia, said that the Generation Grit stories are true stories of resilience that continue to inspire.

“More than ever at this time, with the worry and uncertainty that surrounds us, the world needs to hear these stories,” said Mr. Higginbotham.

“We are proud to continue this journey with The Straits Times, which truly speaks to our own long-standing commitment to making societies more resilient across Asia.”

Mr. Warren Fernandez, editor of The Straits Times and editor of the English / Malaysian / Tamil press group of Singapore Press Holdings, said the column highlights some young Singaporeans who have refused to be defeated and have managed to overcome no matter how serious their situation.

“As we tackle the coronavirus epidemic, the ones we have presented show that a young generation of Singaporeans also has what it takes to overcome this.

“In times of crisis like this, we all need inspiration and hope to overcome the challenges we face,” he said.

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