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No tennis courts, no gyms means new routines for Aidan McHugh

Young Scottish tennis player Aidan McHugh knows that stopping tennis will be a physical and mental challenge.



Tuesday March 24, 2020, 7:20 p.m.

Aidan McHugh had to cancel his trips to Israel and Greece because the tournaments were canceled. Image: PA Copyright: PA Wire

All professional tournaments have been canceled or postponed until at least June 7, and this date could well be postponed, many countries should be virtually blocked for several weeks.

McHugh is at his parents’ home in Glasgow, where he has access to gym equipment but not a tennis court, with his usual training location, the Scotstoun Sports Campus, which will close early last week.

The 19-year-old said: It’s obviously tricky. Playing and training is the best way to feel like you’re staying there.

Above all, I was training to go to another block of tournaments. I intended to go to Israel, then they were all canceled, then I went to Greece, then the ITF (International Tennis Federation) and ATP suspended things in all areas.

So I used this to rest a little with my family and now I just developed my physical condition, so it’s a lot of cardio. It’s pretty boring, the same things every day, but you have to do it because you can’t run on the court.

Well maybe need to do it in two cycles because it’s a big block, I can’t train for ten weeks straight. Hopefully we were ready to play tournaments.

This is not a normal phenomenon, so no one is 100% sure of the best thing to do. It’s really about trying to be smart and everyone is doing their part by trying to stay away from people and keep everyone as healthy as possible and then we can all get through faster.

Tennis players are used to living a peripatetic life, even with the off-season of just over a month.

So while a prolonged spell at home will be welcome from a point of view, it also presents players with a very unknown situation, and to which it will probably be difficult to adapt.

McHugh said: I get bored very quickly. After three days at home, I can’t wait to go back.

Mentally, it’s strange because normally we can see what was going on next. Even in the preseason, it’s the longest time when you get five weeks of good, hard training, but then you know which week you start when this is unknown because things change every day. I think you should just try to improve yourself physically and work on your game where you can.

For many lower-ranking players such as McHugh, who sits at 552, the financial implications of being unable to play will be a serious concern.

The Scot is fortunate to be one of more than 1,000 British players to offer some form of support from the Lawn Tennis Association.

It is part of the Pro Scholarship program for players between the ages of 16 and 24 with the greatest potential, which provides funding of up to 80,000 per year.

The LTA provided elite players with gymnastic equipment to help them continue training under these difficult circumstances.

McHugh also has an A-list mentor to Andy Murray, having been one of the first athletes to sign up for his colleague Scots 77 management agency.

I haven’t spoken to him since it all started, but I had a good catch up with him a few months ago in London about my tennis and some improvements I made, said McHugh.

It has been very helpful. With any luck, when things fall into place, I am able to keep moving in the right direction because I felt that I had made a lot of progress from December to January and February.

Obviously it’s frustrating for everyone, but tennis isn’t the most important thing in what’s going on.

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