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The essentials of cricket equipment that all cricket fans should know


The essentials of cricket equipment that all cricket fans should know | Important items to have in your cricket kit | Cricket kits for cricketers

Are you that crazy cricket fan who aspires to be a great cricketer? Do you watch the game and learn the tactics of your favorite players?

Do you imagine one day touching scores like Adam Gilchrist, Sachin Tendulkar or Virat Kohli? Or do you want to be one of the greatest bowlers of all time like Wasim Akram or Muttiah Muralitharan?

Are you good at team building and see yourself following in the footsteps of MS Dhoni and Kumar Sangakkara, as well as exceptional wicket keeping abilities?

If this is you, then you've come to the right place!

You should already know that cricketers need various equipment to play properly. The best part of playing sports like cricket is that it is similar for men and women. So no matter what your gender, you can find all the essentials of cricket in one stop.

For someone who is just starting to seriously consider playing the game, finding all the different equipment you want to start can sometimes be a challenge! Weve probed and put the optimal time in the search for essentials for beginners. You can also Buy cricket equipment Easily online or access specific stores.

Cricket gear essentials that all cricket fans should know | Important items to have in your cricket kit | Cricket kits for cricketers
We all dream of playing like our favorite cricketers.

White clothes

Since the creation of cricket, players have worn white uniforms. Even though these days you can easily wear your own team jerseys, but at junior and amateur level cricket matches, white uniforms are still mostly worn. You can easily buy it for as little as 20.

Cricket bat

Well, it is obvious to you to buy a cricket bat but there are many conditions that you need to keep in mind before buying a bat:

  • You need to check the weight and height of the bat.
  • How does the handle feel?
  • The kind of terrain you usually play on and;
  • Your budget.
Cricket gear essentials that all cricket fans should know | Important items to have in your cricket kit | Cricket kits for cricketers
Taking your cricket bat is very important.

If you plan to play the game a lot, you have to spend a fair amount to buy the best quality bat that will be reliable. For junior bats, you can get them normally for $ 130 and the best bats will cost you between $ 260 and $ 330. While the highest quality senior bats will cost you between $ 590 and $ 720. Many websites offer various sales offers of 20 to 30%!


As you know, prevention is better than cure. Therefore, you need to protect yourself properly in order to be safe from injury, especially when playing hardball games. Nowadays, helmets include a rod protector, attach to the back of their helmet and use it to further protect the upper neck / back of the head.

Cricket gear essentials that all cricket fans should know | Important items to have in your cricket kit | Cricket kits for cricketers
A cricket helmet is a very important part of cricket equipment.

Batting pads

While hitting and racing you will move as quickly as possible, which can also be continuous if the aligned side is not strong. Therefore, the pads should be as comfortable as possible with the ability to protect, maintain a feeling of lightness and make the batter easier. You can get the best quality tampons in the range of $ 50 to $ 155.

Cricket shoes

While playing cricket, you must have the right type of shoes. Otherwise, it can cause injury and make your performance less effective.

Professional cricketers use specialized cricket shoes which are much stronger and offer more support to the player despite their resemblance to regular coaches. Some also have spikes on the lower surface, which gives a rigid support while playing on a real grass gate. You can also get your shoes customized, especially if you are more focused on becoming a melon; it will provide ankle support and increased displacement of the force.

Boxing gloves

To protect your hands from injury during striking, you must wear gloves. Besides comfort and protection, they also offer grip and support in the palms while holding the bat. You can get different types of gloves in junior and senior sizes in the price range of $ 25 to $ 130 with the best quality.

Cricket gear essentials that all cricket fans should know | Important items to have in your cricket kit | Cricket kits for cricketers
Comfort and grip: crucial in a good pair of cricket gloves.

Batting shorts

Batting shorts are essential as they provide
options for wearing an outer thigh protector, an inner thigh protector and an abdomen protector as protection
equipment at the same time that can be inserted into pockets. In order not
have to wear anything else and they are not very expensive either. You can
easily buy a good quality pair for $ 15- $ 25!

Abdomen guard

Abdominal protectors are used to protect sensitive areas by men and women in the pelvic area. One of the most important innovations in cricket is the abdomen protectors and are relatively small items, available in a range of sizes. They can be attached via straps that go around the hips, while some are inserted in a pocket in a pair of batting shorts or jockstrap. Abdominal pads are worth investing in and can be purchased for just $ 7!

Cricket balls

Cricket balls come in a variety of prices
and are also available at most sports stores and online stores. Expensive
bullets will generally have a better surface finish and will shine better but may
be easily found in great quality for only $ 15- $ 25. If you are more focused on
your bowling skills, you should buy a good quality cricket ball.

Remember, there are different sizes of
cricket balls used separately in male, female and junior cricket.

Cricket bag

Once you have all the essentials, you
will need a portable means to travel through the premises. Not only then, but also if
you live in an area where it rains casually, you will need a cricket bag
to keep everything together and safe from damage. The aspects that you
must consider when buying a cricket bag is to check its material (if it
is water resistant or not), sizing; so you can keep everything easily, and
straps you will wear it with (should be comfortable).

Other equipment

You can Buy cricket equipment Online which are mentioned above. In addition, you can also easily buy an arm guard, a thigh protector, an inner thigh protector, a bat mallet, a breast protector, a base layer (skin), counter gloves, a gum shield (mostly used by wicket guards), a cap, sunglasses, sunscreen, Wicket Keeping Pads, set of Stumps and if you don't have anyone playing to practice, you can also buy a bowling machine.

Thanks for reading!

Written by Ethan Clark, TheCricShopUK

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