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Tennis – Time is running out for Wimbledon


LONDON – This year’s Wimbledon Championships have so far survived the slaughter of the world’s most prestigious sporting events due to the coronavirus pandemic, but it only seems like a matter of time before they are postponed or canceled.

With London in its first week of foreclosure, officials from the All England Lawn Tennis Club (AELTC) are assessing their limited options.

The “construction” of the championships from June 29 to July 12 should begin in just over a month, but it seems increasingly likely that Wimbledon will be forced to miss a year for the first time since 1945.

“The AELTC has been planning emergency measures since January, working closely with the British government and public health authorities to follow their advice and understand the likely impact of COVID-19 and government emergency measures on the championships, and our thoughts are with everyone affected by this crisis at the moment, “the club said in a statement on Wednesday.

“Based on the advice we have received from public health authorities, the very short window we have to organize the Championships due to the nature of our surface suggests that the postponement is not without significant risk and difficulty”, he added.

The AELTC stated that playing in camera was not an option.

The Australian Open, the first Grand Slam of the year, ended before the coronavirus crisis exploded to virtually end world sport, notably the men’s ATP circuit and the women’s WTA circuit.

Last week, the French Open decided to move the claycourt tournament from September 20 to October 20. 4 since its start in May due to the epidemic.

While the postponement of the Tokyo Olympics on Tuesday has potentially opened a two-week calendar period in July / August, it seems unlikely that Wimbledon will use it.

Moving to a later date in the year is even less likely, as Wimbledon only has two indoor courts and elite outdoor tennis isn’t possible after the end of the summer.

Wimbledon said it communicates closely with the LTA and with ATP, WTA, ITF and other Grand Slams.

But a cancellation seems more and more likely.

“The unprecedented challenge presented by the COVID-19 crisis continues to affect our way of life in ways we could not have imagined,” said AELTC CEO Richard Lewis.

“Our thoughts are with everyone affected in the UK and around the world. The most important consideration is that of public health, and we are determined to act responsibly in the decisions we make. (Additional reporting by Zoran Milosavljevic; edited by Ed Osmond)

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