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& # 39; I got the win, man! & # 39 ;: UNC men's tennis wins a messy win over Virginia Tech


I just told myself to stay calm, "said Cernoch." That I was doing the right thing, and that it didn't work, and that ultimately things would turn out.

And he fought until the end through coughing and missed opportunities. Cernoch clinched the Tar Heels after winning six straight games to secure No. 2 North Carolina tennis 6-1 win over Virginia Tech, extending the unbeaten home record ; team at the ACC opening game.

The first outdoor game is always a bit tricky for us, explained head coach Sam Paul. I thought we were playing decently enough to go out now. We also learned some things. We have to tighten up, but it's something we talk about well as a team.

It was sometimes messy, like when first-year Rinky Hijikata hit his junior partner Benjamin Sigouin in doubles. There was a lack of energy, like how the four to six courts were sometimes inconsistent in singles. But somehow, the Tar Heels have persevered, like Cernochs.

The doubles ended almost as quickly as they started. The No. 4 duo of Simon Soendergaard senior and Mac Kiger junior finished first with a net 6-2 victory, while William Blumberg and Cernoch senior No. 16 in doubles won the "dubs point", in the words of the # 39; team, moments later. , 6-3.

The singles, however, was another story, aside from number 11 Blumberg who won in consecutive unbeaten sets.

It's almost impossible, said Hijikata, but he found a way to do it and get the job done.

Number 103 senior Josh Peck was the only other Tar Heel to get off the field easily with a 6-2, 6-3 victory. As with everyone, it was a tough battle that can be described as effective, but at best messy. With a 3-1 lead, all eyes turned to the lower courts, with some lingering on No. 47 Hijikatas Court Three once No. 42 Sigouin fell 6-4, 6-2 on Court Two.

We didn't play a completely full game, said Paul, but we did revive him at times.

After scoring six home scans to open the season without a point scored against them until Sunday afternoon, questions remained unanswered: why did the Tar Heels seem to be struggling to win their 6-1 victory? Is it because it was the first time they played outside this season?

It's different, said Hijikata. The courts are a little more bouncy, and it was a bit cold today, there was a bit of wind. I have been playing outdoors most of my life. I have never really played indoors, so I feel at home here.

Or was it the lack of energy that sometimes seemed to catch the team flat?

It's never easy to go out and play your first game outdoors, especially against a very good team with Virginia Tech, said Cernoch. Were ready to get things done.

Either way, the sometimes messy match didn't seem to baffle the team. As they lingered on the courts while some teammates conducted interviews after the match, there was a sense of joy in joking.

I won, man! Hijikata yelled at his teammates when Cernoch started his interview. I was happy.

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