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UI women's tennis divides opening games of Big Ten


Former Michelle McKamey cheers after scoring a point on March 1 at the IU Tennis Center. IU beat Penn State 4-1.

Izzy Myszak

In its first Big Ten game weekend, women's tennis IU lost 4-0 to 41st Northwestern on Friday in Evanston, Illinois, and beat Penn State 4-1 on Sunday in Bloomington. The Hoosiers are now 9-5 in total and 1-1 in conference.

Against Northwestern, IU started strong in their doubles games but couldn't finish them. The # 1 and # 2 doubles courts favored IU early, but Northwestern returned to # 2 and won # 3 to take the double point. As of this moment, the Wildcats have never looked back.

Behind the solid play of its two best singles players, Julie Byrne senior and Inci Ogut junior, Northwestern grabbed three singles games to win the overall game 4-0.

Along with her victories on the top two courses, northwestern sophomore Hannah McColgan defeated IU rookie Rose Hu on field # 6.

IU competed well in the other singles matches which were not finished despite the unbalanced score. After dropping his first set, rookie Alexandra Staiculescu found herself in a tight second set which ended at 6-6 on court # 3.

Junior Jelly Bozovic also gave IU a boost in their unfinished singles match. She was 4-2 in her second set on court # 4 after losing the first set.

IU returned home to face Penn State on Sunday. The Nittany Lions have not played a match since February 16.

The match started with several doubles matches, which resulted in tight finishes. Seniors Caitlin Bernard and Staiculescu won a close game 7-5 on court # 2. The other two doubles matches were tied.

Before the game on field # 1 could finish, senior Michelle McKamey and rookie Lexi Kubas won 7-6 (7-2) to give the Hoosiers the double point on field # 3. the double point revived the Hoosiers, leading them to victory.

With wins in singles from Bernard, Staiculescu and Bozovic, IU won its first conference win of the season. The only point dropped came from Penn State junior Frederikke Svarre, who beat IU senior Annabelle Andrinopoulos in a retired 6-0, 4-1 field game # 2.

After its first conference games, IU has an early break from the upcoming Big Ten games this weekend.

IU will face the University of Notre Dame at 3:30 p.m. Friday in South Bend, Indiana, and DePaul University at 10 a.m. Sunday in Bloomington.

Notre-Dame will enter with 9-5 in total and 2-2 in the Atlantic Coast Conference, while DePaul is 5-7 in total and 1-1 in the Big East Conference.

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