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5 must-see games on NFL Game Pass


Marshawn Lynch

The coronavirus pandemic has stopped most of the world, and that includes the world of sports. Every major American sport has been suspended, delayed or canceled for the year, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get enough.

To compensate for the lack of sports, the NFL decided to offer the Game Pass for free for several months, giving fans the opportunity to watch any game from their heart starting in the 2009 season.

Here are five games (and a bonus game) that are definitely worth your time.

5. Seattle Seahawks versus New Orleans Saints (January 8, 2011)

Of course, this game was meant to make the list – how could it not be? It was a miracle that the 7-9 Seahawks, who were in their first year under head coach Pete Carroll, made the playoffs. Then they crowned the whole thing by upsetting the very favored saints in front of more than 66,000 people. The two teams faced each other for four quarters, and the match was neck and neck until less than 4:00 am when Seattle put in what amounted to a decisive touchdown. The victory sparked a revolution in Seattle and propelled the Seahawks to power for the next half decade. Am I forgetting something? Oh, that’s right … that touchdown to seal the game came courtesy of Marshawn Lynch, who broke countless tackles on the way to the finish area, leaving the crowd in such chaos as is actually recorded on sensitive earthquake detection equipment. The race was rightly named “Beast Quake”.

4. New York Giants versus New Orleans Saints (November 1, 2015)

Originally from Louisiana, Eli Manning returned home to face Drew Brees and the Saints at the start of the 2015 season, and no one could have predicted what would happen. Manning and Brees put on a show for the ages, combining more than 850 yards and 13 touchdowns as their teams racked up more than 100 points. It was an aerial display – as the NFL has rarely seen – with large plays at remarkable frequency. Both teams fought back and forth from the jump, and this persisted until the last seconds. With the match tied 49-49, the Saints sent kicker Kai Forbath for his first and only goal in the game, which he drilled in the center 50 yards over time, giving New Orleans a win thrilling. If you like powerful and almost unstoppable crimes, this is the game for you.

3. Kansas City Chiefs versus Los Angeles Rams (November 19, 2018)

One of the most publicized games in recent memory, the high-powered Chiefs faced the same-powered Rams on Monday Night Football, which drew an average audience of 16.7 million people – one of the NFL games most watched by ESPN since 2016. And the Contest was certainly delivered, because Kansas City and Los Angles were licked throughout the contest. Ultimately, the Rams and Chiefs became the first teams to score 50 points each in a match, while the match itself ended as the third-highest scoring competition in the history of the game. league. Their 14 combined touchdowns were also second in importance. In the end, the Rams came away victorious as Jared Goff hit Gerald Everett for a score with less than 1:50 to play. Of course, the Chiefs would end up having the final say as they turned out to be more durable, winning the Super Bowl a year later.

2. Green Bay Packers versus Arizona Cardinals (January 16, 2016)

A few weeks before the Cardinals, the Packers ‘complete dismantling – Aaron Rodgers’ worst defeat – the two teams were back in the divisional playoff round, and they delivered an instant classic. The game itself wasn’t exactly the sharpest football you’ll ever see, but that didn’t make the game less exciting. Faced with the elimination at the end of the fourth quarter, Rodgers, who is known as a master of Hail, connected on two – the first arriving on a fourth down and the second arriving at the end of time. This pushed the game into overtime, but veteran wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald refused to be outdone, making the first overtime pass 75 yards from the field. Two games later, Fitz took the shovel pass home, sending Arizona to the NFC Championship Game. It was arguably one of Fitzgerald’s cruelest and most daring performances, which eclipsed Rodgers magic late in the game.

1. Minnesota Vikings against New Orleans Saints (January 14, 2018)

Do you want wild and unexpected? It doesn’t get much wilder and unexpected than that. After falling behind the Vikings 17-0 in the divisional playoff round, Drew Brees and the Saints slowly lost ground, making their way back into the game before finally taking a 21-20 lead with a bit more 3:00 to play in the fourth quarter. But that’s when things started to get a little crazy. Kai Forbath, playing against his former team, regained the lead from Minnesota after logging onto an impressive 53-yard basket with only 1:29 left to play. But Brees & Co. responded quickly, converting to a 4th and 10 before logging in on a clean goal, giving them a 24-23 with only 25 seconds to go. It would take a miracle for Minnesota to win, and the Minnesapolis Miracle is exactly what they got. Just 10 seconds from their own 39-yard line, quarterback Kirk Cousins ​​broadcast it to the field for wide receiver Stefon Diggs, who rode for him and prepared for impact. But that impact never came when the New Orleans defender sniffed, leaving Diggs only room to run for the winning score, sending the Vikings to the NFC Championship Game while fans in their hometown burst and almost knocked down the stadium.

Bonus: New York Giants vs. Philadelphia Eagles (December 19, 2010)

I’m certainly a fan of the Giants and cover them for a living, so there is some bias in these lists no matter how hard I try to stay neutral. However, when compiling the top 5 here, I couldn’t bring myself to list this game. I also couldn’t bring myself to leave it completely off the list. Therefore, as a bonus suggestion, I present the Miracle in the Meadowlands II. All Matt Dodge had to do was throw a ball out of bounds and everything would have been fine. Instead, he sent it directly to DeSean Jackson, who then brought him home with: 00 on the clock, giving the Eagles a win and ending the remaining playoff hopes. It was an amazing game for anyone who is not a Big Blue fan.

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