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7 player Jets could be looking to trade before the NFL trade deadline


Quinnen Williams empties a bag
Quinnen Williams empties a bag

The cleaning probably didn’t stop when the Jets went back LeVeon Bell on Tuesday evening. There are still bits left on GM Joe Douglas selection that certainly won’t be there when the Jets are finally competitive again.

The only question is whether the Jets just dump them for free in the off-season or if they can sell a few for parts. They couldn’t get anything back for Bell despite their best efforts, so a return isn’t always guaranteed.

Here’s a look at the few other player assets they could try to trade ahead of the NFL trading deadline on November 3. Unfortunately for them, it’s not much:

S Marcus Maye

The 27-year-old safety got off to a hot start in a contract year and appeared to be a more than adequate replacement for Jamal Adams. But he’s slowed since then and hasn’t proven much of a playmaker. At this point, it’s hard to see the Jets spending a lot of money on him next season and he wouldn’t cost much to a contender who has to support his secondary (like, say, Seattle?). The Jets could probably give him a better season, but he wasn’t drafted by Douglas, so if GM might want to move on, they could get a mid-round pick.

DT Quinnen Williams

Hes had one great game out of five and came out of a shaky rookie season that doesn’t speak well of a player who once pledged to dominate the NFL. However, he’s still 22 and packed with potential. Chances are, the Jets wouldn’t give him away, not with at least two years left for his relatively cheap rookie deal. But then again, he wasn’t chosen by Douglas so all bets are off. And he was so highly regarded in the 2019 draft that someone might give up a second-rounder to see if they can get the dominant player Williams expected to be.

CB Brian Poole

If you need help with the back of the corner, the Jets are probably the last place you’d look. But the 28-year-old Poole is a highly regarded lock angle and the best the Jets have. They’re going to completely rebuild that unit out of season anyway, so it makes sense to ditch it somewhere for a late harvest. The only problem is, nobody wanted him when he was a free agent, which is why he returned to the Jets for a one-year $ 5 million deal.

S Bradley McDougald

An underrated piece of the Adams trade, the upcoming 30-year-old is in pretty bad secondary shape. Douglas liked him enough to bring him here, but has he done enough to even earn a year’s deal to return? If not, the Jets can try to trade him in for a late pick and clear the way for a rookie Ashtyn Davis to play more. For a 0-5 team, McDougald is really just a redundant piece of a broken puzzle.

TE Chris Herndon

Honestly, the Jets would jump for joy at this point if someone even offered a conditional seventh-rounder for the disappointingly tight ending. After Adam Gase spoke him out all summer, the former fourth-rounder has been a complete failure. He has one year left on his rookie deal, if he is even on the roster next season. If someone needs tight end help and has no other options, the Jets will even buy the plane ticket for them.

RB Frank Gore

Right, who wants a 37-year-old running back? But here’s the thing: Gore is still effective in short bursts. He is also reliable, generally healthy and a good presence in the locker room. He’s worth staying around just to help out rookie LaMical Perine from the rest of the season. But there are many contenders who need help. They could do worse than send the Jets a Day 3 draft pick for the venerable veteran.

QB Joe Flacco

The 35-year-old veteran wants to become a starter again and (in any case) gets another week to prove that he is working. He generally seems to be seen more as an experienced back-up in the league, but that has value too. Just look at the Cowboys, they got lucky Andy Dalton when Roof Prescott Went down. Flacco is a luxury for a 0-5 team, even if Darnolds’ injury lasts longer than expected. It could be injured in a contender’s QB in the coming weeks. Or maybe a team like the Raiders will see what happened in Dallas and realize they’re better off with Flacco behind it Derek Carr than Nathan Peterman. Or maybe the Titans decide to replace their backup, Logan Woodside, with veteran insurance for Ryan Tannehill. It’s unlikely, but not out of the question.

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