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Falmouth Field Hockey Bounces Back | Falmouth Sports


After the Falmouth High School hockey team lost a tough game on the road to its rival from Sandwich on the road last Friday, it was committed to the prospect of moving on and it could on Wednesday.14 October against his other great rival, Barnstable. Falmouth scored twice in the fourth quarter to secure a 3-1 win over BHS and accomplish what it planned.

I told the girls that the past is the past and that we should see today as the start of our new season, said coach Courtney Lima. They came out in the first quarter and we looked great. We made all the tweaks, we used the space I’m trying to encourage to do and we would only have lapsed a few times … if we had played the way we played the whole game in the fourth quarter I’m not sure (how much we would have won).

Falmouth was run by a few young people. Sophomore Natalie Bosselman scored two goals, the first time she scored more than one in a game, and freshman Avery Johnsen scored one. Both scored in the fourth quarter to place the game in the win column for FHS.

Johnsen should never forget the goal she scored, because it was certainly unique. The rookie, who has at least one point in every game the Clippers have played, got a penalty stroke with 9:42 left to play.

She took it and missed, her shot flying high and far.

The referee then noticed that she had made a blunder. The referee misplaced the ball for Johnsen to shoot after moving it back about five meters further than usual. She did the right thing and reset the game, putting Johnsen on the line again, this time in the right place.

The second attempt was true. Johnsen chose the same type of shot, but up close it easily found its way to the corner of the net to put her team ahead, 2-1.

Moments later Bosselman got her second. While Falmouth attacked the wing hard, the sophomore got the ball from midfield and ran to the side in the circle. She watched the field in front of her and thought of passing it, until she saw plenty of daylight to hurry.

I look up and see the empty net and I thought if I shoot it, maybe someone will deflect it, so I shot it and the goalkeeper turned around and said, What ?, and I thought, Oh, okay! Bosselman said.

The BHS keeper did not expect the bid to come from the perimeter and she watched in horror as Bosselmans’ shot hit her from close range.

Bosselman said it was fun to score more than once and that she hopes it will happen again. She also said she was very excited to see her team perform as well as it did in the fourth quarter.

We have certainly become better at communicating. We all knew where our heads were and we knew we had to go the extra mile. Everyone took a step. We had talked about recovery (on defense), and everyone did. Everyone did their best, and it really was our best quarter, she said.

Bosselman’s first goal of the game, which was set up by Katie Shanahan, came in the first quarter. Barnstable took advantage of a defensive break and tied it moments later. That paved the way for the exciting finish.

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