CA hopeful NZ, WI bubble boys can boost BBL
Cricket Australia hopes the emergence of the trans-Tasman travel bubble will lead to an influx of West Indians and Kiwis into the KFC BBL this season, after the recruiting efforts of at least one club were hampered by Australia’s strict border restrictions.
Less than two months before the season kicks off, Big Bash recruiters have scoured the globe in search of great talent after announcing that a third ‘marquee’ player will be paid outside the salary cap, with Cricket Australia urging clubs to splash it money on some T20 superstars.
But the confirmation that all BBL imports (except those from NZ) will be required to complete two weeks of hard quarantine when they arrive in Australia makes a Big Bash stint much less appealing to some of the game’s biggest stars.
Clearly, at least one international deal has been compromised this week by the prospect of 14 days in a hotel where players are not allowed to train.
Even English stars like Jason Roy (Perth Scorchers) and Dawid Malan (Hobart Hurricanes), who will be in a bio-secured bubble in South Africa for England’s games against the Proteas in the weeks leading up to the BBL, have not been exempted. . from hard quarantine when they arrive in Australia.
The NSW government this week signed CA’s proposal to allow Australian and Indian players to train during their 14-day quarantine ahead of the international summer, but a similar exemption is unlikely for BBL internationals.
“We certainly plan to maintain a 14-day quarantine at this stage (and) there is no indication that this will change,” Alistair Dobson, head of the Big Bash Leagues of Cricket Australia, said Friday.
“The health and safety of the community is obviously of the utmost importance to everyone.”
Imports from England, South Africa and the West Indies for the WBBL, which starts on Sunday, were all required to be quarantined for two weeks before entering the tournament village in Sydney. Players had exercise equipment such as treadmills and weights in their hotel rooms, where they had to stay for 14 days.
The strict border restrictions have sharpened the focus on New Zealand and Windies players, who should be exempt from quarantine after their three-game series over the Tasman ends on November 30, subject to Australian Border Force approval.
After spending 14 days in New Zealand, T20 team members such as Kieron Pollard, Nicholas Pooran and Sheldon Cottrell all qualified to enter Australia in the trans-Tasman bubble, as did Test players such as Shimron Hetmyer, Jason Holder and Rakheem Cornwall ever end the Tests against the Kiwis on December 15th.
However, it is clear that Pollard will not be joining the BBL this season and although Pooran has been in discussions with at least one Big Bash club, he is keen to return home after a tough time away from his family that requires a biography. to have. -safe hubs for both the CPL and IPL.
Currently, the trans-Tasman bubble allows direct transit from New Zealand to NSW, South Australia and the Northern Territory and there is hope that other states will soften their borders in the coming weeks.
Dobson said the travel bubble has created “a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” for BBL clubs and even expressed optimism that some Kiwi players might be tempted to play in the Big Bash if gaps are found in NZ’s home schedule. to be.
“I know there are talks going on and there is certainly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take advantage of them if that’s how our clubs decide to go,” Dobson said of the travel bubble.
“If there are players available to match our clubs’ signing and listing strategies, that would be a great result.
“I know there are players from New Zealand that we would like to have in the BBL, if it can line up. I see a way for them to be a part of it. They have their own commitments at the same time and again, it all comes down to each club’s unique requirements and boundaries and contract strategies.
“But it certainly looks like there will be a unique opportunity this year when that opportunity opens up.”
Three-size New Zealand stars like Kane Williamson, Trent Boult and Lockie Ferguson would be off limits to BBL clubs until January 7 due to Tests and T20s against the Windies and Pakistan, but white-ball stars like Martin Guptill and Colin Munro would must be free from international obligations outside the T20s against the Windies (November 27-30) and Pakistan (December 18-22).
New Zealand’s domestic T20 tournament, the Super Smash, will run from December 24 to February 14, meaning it will clash with the BBL.
The complete match for BBL | 10 has yet to be finalized, but it is expected to start around December 10 and end in early February.
Scorchers recruit Liam Livingstone this week said he was not clear about the specific quarantine requirements for his arrival in Australia, and whether or not he would be allowed to train during the two weeks of isolation.
“Whatever it is, we have to do it,” said the Englishman.
“Obviously … the best situation (would be) that we could still go to a gym and go to grid facilities. That would give us the best chance of getting straight out of quarantine and playing.
“Everyone will have to do two weeks … it is what it is. It is part of the world, there are different challenges than we are used to. Ultimately, our job is to overcome them and perform when we have a chance in the Big Bash. “
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