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ICC Celebrates Cricket for Good PNG Project


Bureau of the International Cricket Council; ICC office

File photo: office of the International Cricket Council (ICC) in Dubai.
Image Credit: Gulf News Archives

Dubai: The International Cricket Council celebrated the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace on Monday with a focus on the Cricket for Good pilot project with ChildFund focused on children and young people, which was undertaken in Papua – New Guinea and executed in partnership with the ICC.

The ICC has run sport for development programs for 10 years in partnership with governmental and non-governmental organizations around the world. The PNG pilot program was their first partnership with ChildFund, as per the ICC version.

The Cricket for Good with ChildFund pilot project which took place between August and December 2019 was a child and youth focused intervention that aimed to unite, inspire and empower communities to improve education and attitudes towards equality of the sexes.

A total of 219 participants, including 43% women from three schools and two villages in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, undertook the pilot project. Twenty-one facilitators (13 women) met the assessment criteria and became Cricket for Good with ChildFund facilitators.

The program included the creation of an integrated cricket and life skills program with an intensive in-country training program for facilitators in the execution of the program. Participants were asked about three key components: the content of life skills (knowledge, attitudes and behaviors related to understanding gender and violence), leadership skills and cricket skills. The initial and final activities were conducted by the facilitator team, which used a combination of multiple choice surveys and skill-based activities.

One of the 219 participants, John shares his story.

In 2006, when John was eight years old, he lost his sight in the left eye after an accident while playing with friends. He was forced to wear special glasses. John said he was very ashamed and worried that his friends and others in his community would tease and intimidate him. The incident made John feel very shy and shy, and he didn’t go out often or interact with other people. After a friend spoke to John about the project, he decided to join him.

“The project inspired and motivated me in many ways. I used to be shy before, but now I realize that my disability shouldn’t stop me from enjoying my life, ”said John.

According to one of John’s facilitators, who has known him since he was young, “he has become more open and sociable, he talks to people and is so involved in the project that he no longer cares about his eye and what that the others think. ” Even during the competition, he played and joined other people, and the people in his community really support him. “

Through the project, John was able to overcome his own barriers regarding his disability, gain confidence and learn more about life skills and cricket.

William Glenwright, Director General of Development at ICC, said: “The youth-focused Cricket for Good with ChildFund pilot program is an example of the positive impact that the reach of cricket can have in communities. In Papua New ICC’s global community outreach program in Guinea focused on a child and youth centered intervention that aimed to unite, inspire and empower communities to improve education and attitudes towards gender equality.

“John’s story is just one of many examples of how a project like this can have a lasting legacy and cricket can make a difference in people’s lives. In addition, being active is an important factor for the well-being of young people around the world, and ICC is committed to providing opportunities in partnership with members to make cricket accessible to as many children as possible. “

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