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Warriors show they deserve attention in the return victory over Nuggets


DENVER – As losses have increased in the past four months and more, the Warriors have taken a break from national conversation. The general assumption is that NBA analysts will start worrying again after Stephen Curry returns with a broken left hand.

But even if they languish at the bottom of the league standings, Golden State has managed to make significant strides that should help it get back into contention with a healthy Curry and Klay Thompson next season. Tuesday night, during the Warriors' 116-100 victory over the Nuggets at the Pepsi Center, they showed why they still deserve some attention, showing the movement of the ball and the shooting range that recently made it a dynasty.

After digging a 15-point hole early in the third quarter, Golden State used a barrage of 3 pointers to silence a hostile crowd. When rookie goalkeeper Jordan Poole laced a dribble between his legs, walked behind the top of the bow and, with Mason Plumlee 6-11's hand on his face, pierced a 25-foot foot to put the Warriors 82-81 at the end of the third, he turned to the Golden State bench and flickered.

It was a celebration that Curry popularized as the Warriors made five consecutive finals and won three NBA titles. Even with Curry sidelined and a playoff spot far out of reach, Golden State intends to have fun. In the fourth quarter, the Warriors played the role of the bully, outscoring a Western Conference competitor 34-19 to withdraw for the 16-point victory.

Never mind that Golden State had only nine players, including a 10-day contract goalkeeper (Chasson Randle) who joined the team a few hours before kick-off and has not yet practiced. Without a single former All-Star, the Warriors had 31 assists for just 11 turnovers, shot 18 for 41 (43.9%) from the 3-point range and undermined player contributions as the average fan of the NBA would not recognize.

Mychal Mulder, who was snatched from Sioux Falls Skyforce of the G League last week to sign a 10-day contract, got his first career start and scored 15 points on a 5-10 shot since outside of the arch. Poole's 3 point wave helped the warriors create distance. Center Dragan Bender took advantage of the last day of his 10-day contract, scoring 14 points and five rebounds on the bench.

Eric Paschall (22 points, five assists), Andrew Wiggins (22 points, 10 assists) and Marquese Chriss (16 points, five rebounds) – all of whom will play key rotation roles next season – leave no doubt about the future of Golden State. is much better than his 14-48 record might suggest. Three nights after returning from a big deficit to Phoenix for a convincing win, the Warriors continued to be sure of one thing: they maximized Curry's leave.

Without the face of the franchise dominating the ball, Golden State cared for young people and unearthed some hidden gems. The question now is when will Curry join the festivities. Warriors head coach Steve Kerr conceded Tuesday morning that "it is certainly a possibility" Curry, who has participated in several scrums without a problem, will return Thursday against the Raptors at Chase Center.

This would give him 20 games to get to grips with a new appearance support cast. Because in a season full of adversity, the Warriors have faced a group of players who they believe can help accelerate their return to the top of the sport.

Connor Letourneau is a writer for the San Francisco Chronicle. Email: [email protected]. Twitter: @Con_Chron

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