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About Football: Going to January seems like a big challenge for the NFL

About Football: Going to January seems like a big challenge for the NFL




Mark Andrews (89) of Baltimore Ravens reacts after scoring on a touchdown pass from quarterback Lamar Jackson against the Tennessee Titans on Sunday, November 22, 2020 in Baltimore. Titans Amani Hooker (37) and Malcolm Butler (21) are watching. AP Photo / Nick Wass

In every NFL season, there are losing teams who hit December and just want to get to January, finish the schedule, and go home.

In 2020, the competition itself will come to January during a pandemic that is getting tougher every day.

As week 12 foreshadows, NFL managers will be scrambling more than Lamar Jackson and Kyler Murray.

They have already postponed the Thanksgiving night showcase game between Baltimore and Pittsburgh three times, the last one coming Monday, when the game was moved from Tuesday evening to Wednesday afternoon (3:40 PM, NBC). Denver, thanks to protocol violations by its quarterbacks, started an undesignated rookie wide receiver in the critical position and, unsurprisingly, barely moved the ball.

There were also hefty fines for the Saints and Patriots for not being as diligent with the coronavirus protocols as needed.

The NFL deserves credit for getting this far with minimal disruptions compared to what we see in the college game. Yet there is currently an ominous environment.

Teams have been ordered to leave their facilities Monday and Tuesday as the pandemic rages across the country. Professional football tries to keep fighting, but for how long?

I think we really should consider a bubble, says Bill Cowher, the Hall of Fame-bound coach and now a CBS Sports analyst. “When you think about the country now, it went through a second wave. You have to be flexible in your thinking.

‘We were talking about closing facilities. We were talking about teams that may not be able to practice all week. I’ll start thinking about teams later as we go through this, that they are coming out of the playoffs. They become more reckless and careless with their off-field actions.

I think now from a competitive and balanced standpoint that’s out there, and from a security standpoint that’s out there, go into a bubble. Now go to a city, find a hotel, take all the staff, put them there and make sure they take the bus to and from the office from there. They fly to and from games. It worked in hockey. It worked in basketball. I think the time is now. Protect the integrity of the game. It’s the fairest thing you can do. And it is the safest thing to do.

In some ways, it’s also the hardest thing to do. Don’t think the NFL hasn’t discussed the bubble idea, although it has focused on creating one or more playoffs. Doing this for the last six weeks of the schedule is a logistical challenge equivalent to scoring on the 1985 Bears or 2000 Ravens.

As the number of COVID-19 cases in the league soars, so does the chance of more postponements, even cancellations or forfeiture, which the NFL doesn’t really want to think about.

One option that seems to make more sense by the day is for the league to create a week 18 for the second weekend of January. With outbreaks within teams, the odds are greater than ever, and with a week to play with as the farewell between the conference championships and the Super Bowl can be eliminated, setting a Week 18 has its merits.

It would certainly reduce the chances of mismatches, like what happened in Denver on Sunday, a 31-3 Saints romp that was never in doubt; is that the way NFL games should be? And it could help prevent a similarly skewed game in Pittsburgh on Wednesday, if that game were actually played.

I don’t think weird is the right word, said Saints coach Sean Payton, whose team was fined $ 500,000 and held a seventh round draft option for repeatedly defying NFL protocols. “See, everything about this season is unusual. So we tune the things that we cannot control. … And what can we control then? And let’s find a way to get our next W.

Do coaches really want the next W, or the next L, to be because they or their opponent is severely understaffed by the invisible enemy that is the coronavirus? If so, it’s as cold as Lambeau Field in the middle of winter.

Browns center JC Tretter, the president of the NFL Players Association, spoke last week about the problems facing professional football.

As you can see, we’ve said it from the start, we’re a little prone to what the country and our local communities are going through, he said. “We’re seeing massive spikes in cases across the country, which only increases the likelihood of outside cases entering the building. That’s what you see, as cases have increased across the country, so have our cases. Our cases have been on the rise across the league, which is why the protocols are so important to keep the season going and guys healthy and to keep the virus from spreading once it enters the building.

There are still five weeks to do this, and the recent results have been harrowing.

AP Sports Writers Brett Martel and Tom Withers contributed to this story.

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