Dylan Cozens sets the tone as Canada retains confidence in Czech
Team Canada held an optional morning skate on Saturday.
Dylan Cozens leads Team Canada in scoring World Juniors and also leads the ice with his calm demeanor. That’s a byproduct of being raised by a father who is a judge and a mother who is a lawyer.
“Both of my parents have such stressful jobs, so the stress and pressure that comes with deciding what to do with someone’s life is something that has definitely worn me down,” said the Whitehorse resident.
Cozens is one of six returning players to help Canada through the quarter-finals and semi-finals last year after a major victory on New Year’s Eve. He is looking for similar success this year from tonight against the Czech Republic.
“We can’t be too sure and we can’t think we’ll have an easy win,” said the Buffalo Sabers first rounder. “These guys beat the Russians and they play a disciplined game. They hide the middle.”
“They block a lot of shots,” noted Saginaw Spirit forward Cole Perfetti. “They put it in the D-zone. They play a really good defensive game. They did that against Russia and they worn them out. You have to keep it up.”
Perfetti celebrated his 19th birthday yesterday. The team arranged for a pie, but otherwise it was “just another day in the bubble,” said the Winnipeg Jets first rounder. There were some table tennis, bean bags and college football games on television.
“We’re pretty level-headed,” Perfetti said. “We know what we can do, but at the same time we respect our opponents. You want to be confident. It’s good to have faith in yourself, your teammates and your abilities, but it can be dangerous and a fine line if you get too confident. and become almost arrogant or cocky and that can kill a team. “
If Canada is able to switch to the power game, it will take a lot of the pressure off. The team is 5/15 on the man advantage so far, with all five goals in wins against Germany and Switzerland. They failed to click in the two matches against Slovakia and Finland.
“No goals in the last game, but if you look at the momentum we’ve created and the odds we’ve generated, the math and statistics behind it say we should have scored one or two goals,” Perfetti said. “The whole point of a power game is to score, but also to build momentum and I think we’ve done that.”
It’s hard to imagine that a top unit with Perfetti and Connor McMichael on the flanks, Bowen Byram on top, Peyton Krebs in the middle and Cozens up front, could be kept off the scoresheet for too long. Cozens and Krebs play in unfamiliar positions and slowly get used to the roles.
Cozens was the last attacker on the ice during yesterday’s practice and went over the net forward position with assistant coach Michael Dyck.
“The important thing is to just get those flash screens and stand in front of the goalkeeper while the guy comes down half the wall and then moves to the right as he shoots,” said Cozens, who just played the front role last year during the World Juniors. , but never in the Western Hockey League. “You have to be a distraction for guys by pulling their D-men down so guys can walk lower down.”
Krebs, meanwhile, has watched video of how Patrice Bergeron of Boston and Brayden Point in Tampa operate on the bumper spot in the NHL. What does he see?
“Their ability to find holes,” said the Winnipeg Ice forward. “A lot of horsepower falls in the middle and you just have to try to find holes with your stick, maybe not with your body, and just open a job and even open jobs to go through you. So try to do that the best I can. can and be an option for Perf or Mikes or Bo or whoever needs me. “
The Czechs were ranked eighth in the preliminary round in terms of penalty-kill percentage, conceding six goals out of 15 chances.
McMichael led Canada with seven shots against the Finns, but failed to find the back of the net. He came painfully close a few times.
“Mikes had two or three stakes on the power game,” said Perfetti.
Last year at the World Juniors, McMichael actually called his shot for the semi-final against Finland, telling linemate Ty Dellandrea that he was planning “introduce myself at the back bar” for the first squad and then continue to open the score. This year, his linemate is calling on him.
“He’s coming,” said Cozens. “He had a lot of chances in the last game, a few posts, so tonight he comes in thinking he’s going to score and no one will stop him.”
McMichael scored in all three of Canada’s knockout games last year.
Devon Levi recorded a 0.951 rescue percentage in 11 action periods in the preliminary round and has remained competitive despite a light workload. Levi has yet to see more than 20 shots in a game.
“It’s a tough game to play mentally, but I practiced a lot last year,” said Levi, who qualified for the Carleton Place Canadians in the Central Canada Hockey League. “I played for a good team and I had to be ready for a good scoring opportunity at any time, even though I wasn’t facing many shots. But it’s mentally more difficult to stay focused and be ready instead of hitting 40 shots. and always be hot. ”
The Northeastern University freshman has yet to concede another goal of equality in Edmonton and is confident his mental strength and visualization technique will help him navigate the added pressure of an elimination game.
“I’m super grateful to be here and being grateful helps you take the pressure off,” he explained. “I am happy to be here. I am happy to play for Team Canada. I am happy to have a chance to win a gold medal.”
Levi, who has removed all social media apps from his phone, met with Ryan Hamilton, Hockey Canada’s mental performance consultant, on Friday to talk about his medal-round mindset.
“The main focus is just clear your head and breathe during the game and just forget your thoughts,” said the Florida Panthers’ seventh rounder. “It’s easy to let your mind wander if you don’t run into many shots, so just staying focused and focusing on the puck and breathing helps a lot.”
Team Canada lines during Friday’s practice:
Holloway – McMichael – Cozens
Perfect – Zary – Krebs
Quinn – Byfield – Pelletier
Mercer – Suzuki – Tomasino
Byram – Drysdale
Harley tailor
Guhle – Barron
Korczak (R) – Spence
Injured: Kirby Dach (wrist, tournament out), Alex Newhook (upper body, daily)
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