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Virender Sehwag jokingly offers to fly to Australia amid spate of injuries to Indian cricketers


  • IND vs AUS: As the tour progressed, players started to get injured. Mohammed Shami and Umesh Yadav were excluded from the series after the first two tests. KL Rahul injured his wrist during a training session, while Ravindra Jadeja, Jasprit Bumrah and Hanuma Vihari were injured during the third test.


UPDATED JAN 12, 2021 10:19 PM

Team India suffered injuries to a number of players during their tour of Australia. It started with Ishant Sharma being banned from the series while Rohit Sharmas was still trying to prove his suitability. But as the tour went on, players started to get injured. Mohammed Shami and Umesh Yadav were excluded from the series after the first two tests. KL Rahul injured his wrist during a training session, while Ravindra Jadeja, Jasprit Bumrah and Hanuma Vihari were injured in the third test.

It feels like India would struggle to line up a good playing 11 for the fourth Test. Several players such as Mohammed Siraj, Navdeep Saini and Shubman Gill have made their debut, while T Natarajan and Washington Sundar are also likely to play their first game in the series.

Looking at the spate of injuries, former India opener Virender Sehwag jokingly announced that he is ready to join the team in Australia.

Itne sab players have been injured hain, 11 after ho rahe hon toh Australia jaane ko taiyaar hoon, quarantine dekh lenge @BCCI, Sehwag said in a post on Twitter.

The injury-stricken Indian cricket team took another blow on Tuesday when fast bowler Jasprit Bumrah was excluded from the upcoming fourth test against Australia due to an abdominal load, PTI news agency reported. Bumrah reportedly sustained the injury during the third Test in Sydney, which ended in a draw.

The report quoted BCCI sources as claiming that Bumrah’s scans showed tension and that Indian team management does not want to aggravate the injury, considering the upcoming home games against England.

Jasprit Bumrah suffered a stomach ache during cyclocross in Sydney. He will not compete in the Brisbane Test but is expected to be available against England, a BCCI source told PTI.

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