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To what extent did Jamal Adams’ injury limit his game?


There was a question of whether Jamal Adams would play in the Seahawks’ playoff game against the Rams last Saturday due to a shoulder injury. Okay, it was a question for everyone except Adams.

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Four days before the game, Adams explained in a press conference that he was in no way stuck in what would be his first postseason appearance in the NFL. So when the game rolled over, he found himself in his usual spot as Seattle’s starting strong safety.

The game clearly didn’t go the way Adams or the Seahawks had hoped they would lose 30-20, ending their season and it was clear there were limits to what he could do if he tried to play because of his shoulder.

That led to another question: Should Adams have played at all?

We now know Adams’ shoulder will need to be surgically repaired off-season, but Dave Wyman, color commentator for the Seahawks Radio Network and co-host of 710 ESPN Seattle’s Wyman and Bob, says it was the right decision to play Adams. He saw how the limitations of his shoulder played a role, however, and Wyman breaks down in this week’s Football 101 video both how Adams proved to be still valuable in Seattle’s defense against the Rams, but also how his injury hit the net. so good. harder to stop Los Angeles from making plays.

watch the video here or at the top of this post, and for more Football 101 episodes from the season of Seahawks, click on one of the links below.

More Seahawks Football 101

Week 1:Adams, Dunbar is solving a play that was a Seattles problem
Week 2:How Bobby helped Wagner win the last game against the Patriots
Week 3:Team effort results in a safety against the Cowboys
Week 4:How KJ Wright and the Defense Solved Seattles’ Big Play Problems
Week 5:How the defense against the Vikings came to be
Week 7:Rookie LB Jordyn Brooks promising playing in Arizona
Week 8:Why Bobby Wagner Is The NFL’s Best Blitzing LB
Week 9:What Carlos Dunlap adds that the defense needs
Week 11:How KJ Wright Beat Kyler Murray
Bonus for week 11:Prove that the new defense success is sustainable
Week 12:Chris Carson is back, and here’s how to use him
Week 13:The crucial adjustment of the defense to the game of Giants
Week 14: The Rise of Ugo Amadi
Week 15: Jamal Adams does it all in safety for Seattle
Week 16: Everyone played a role in keeping Rams out of the end zone
Week 17: Striking rookie Jordyn Brooks flattens George Kittle

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