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York cricketer Dan Woods, 32, loses battle with cancer


Spinning pitcher Dan Woods, 32, of Clifton Moor, was captain of the York Cricket Club until he fell ill last winter.

Club president Dr. Nigel Durham paid tribute to him, saluting the "incredible" bravery he had shown in the past 14 months.

He said Dan joined the club in October 2008, making his debut in 2009, and over the next 10 years he has won seven Yorkshire League and Yorkshire Premier League North titles, five of which as captain , also leading the 1st XI to the National Knockout Trophy of the ECB in 2012..

"His bowling exploits were unmatched in the history of the club, winning the 10 wickets at Castleford in 2013 with a championship record in a season of 91 wickets," he said. “During one season, he even opened the baton with the determination, tenacity and courage he displayed throughout his last battle.

"He was truly an inspiration both on and off the field, and although his drive and commitment was manifested on the field, his sportsmanship and the way he treated others was revered by all .

"He was a leader of people, who could" walk with kings – or lose contact with each other ", embodied more by the distinctions he received as an outstanding teacher at St Peter's School and Cundall Manor . "

He said "Woodsy" was also an amazing coach for so many children, who would miss his friendly relationships with them.

“He had a gift for people and touched so many hearts in a life that was far too short.

"He will be remembered in York, Cheshire and nothing more than Clifton Park, the home of the York Sports Club, where his passion and support for all sports will never be forgotten.

"The bravery he has shown in the past 14 months, with the remarkable Heather by his side holding his hand tight, is simply" incredible "- a word he has used a lot. Dan Woods certainly was. "

Dan, who taught at St Peter's School and St Olave's in Bootham, York, and previously Cundall Manor, Thirsk, told reporters last September how he underwent 12 cycles of chemotherapy after being diagnosed with a esophageal tumor.

He said he didn't have a lifestyle that tended to lead to such cancer, like smoking or drinking a lot, but there was a family history of stomach cancer and there seemed to be a genetic link.

He had tried to live as normal a life as possible. "Some of my experiences since my diagnosis have been the happiest of my life," he said. "I have spent a lot of time with people I am really close to, my wife, my friends and my family."

He thanked his fellow cricketers, York hospital staff, York Against Cancer and his wife and family for their "incredible" support as he had faced difficult diagnosis and treatment.

"My wife Heather has also been incredible, incredibly strong and positive," he said. He also congratulated Dr. Durham for always being there on the other end for him.

l Dan's family created a fundraising page in his memory for the York Hospital Magnolia Center, which provided care and support throughout his illness, available at www.justgiving. com / crowdfunding / magnolia-york

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