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What Donte Williams' return means for USC football – Orange County Register


LOS ANGELES As Donte Williams sat down for his press conference, dressed in a gray polo shirt with a yellow hand making the V sign on the reverse, a California tattoo on his left forearm, he simply answered the question everyone wanted to ask.

"The big factor, I guess, was to go home," he said.

Williams rocked Pac-12 football circles last month when he left the Oregon Conference Champion for USC to be the Trojans' new cornerback coach.

As you can imagine, it was not easy for Williams to choose between the first two Pac-12 programs. Oregon head coach Mario Cristobal tried to keep him in Eugene.

USC has implemented an integral press. Head coach Clay Helton led the charge and Williams was impressed with his honesty. Williams spoke to peers who had worked for Helton and was struck by their joy at USC.

Defensive coordinator Todd Orlando, sporting director Mike Bohn and senior partner AD Brandon Sosna also featured Williams on USC.

But Williams already had an idea of ​​what USC was offering. He grew up in Los Angeles, after attending Culver City High and Pasadena City College before starting his coaching career on the junior college scene at SoCal. He watched USC on television throughout his childhood and his family always hoped that he would be a Trojan horse.

He kept his family mostly in the dark while talking to USC, not wanting to bring hope. They were shocked to learn that he was coming home.

But it was this family that played a big part in convincing Williams to come to USC, especially given his father's health concerns.

"I grew up here, I was born and raised here. I have been here all my life. My families are getting older, my grandparents, the situation with my father right now and everything, ”said Williams. "It was definitely a deciding factor for me."

His hiring was an instant energy drain for USC.

"It's like getting the project's first choice," said Orlando, who praised the USC administration for allowing him to do a splash rental like this one. "We have identified a lot of these guys, coach Helton and myself, to say that we need these guys to win a national championship, and there has been no hesitation."

Williams describes himself as an energetic coach, positive but also demanding towards his players.

But what really made him such an intriguing recruit for USC was his reputation as a recruiter. Williams was named the best Pac-12 recruiter by after the 2020 cycle. He has played a big role in attracting five-star rookies like Upland linebacker Justin Flowe of USC in Oregon in recent years.

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