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Saint Cloud Cathedral 11, Mankato East / Loyola 2 – Twin Cities


Last season, the boys' hockey team at St. Cloud Cathedral played most of the regular season without striker Nate Warner, who signed up to play hockey. ; University of Minnesota, and went to the state tournament, where Warner returned to help propel the crusaders to a state championship.

This season, injuries have been inflicted on striker Jack Smith, who is hired at the University of Minnesota Duluth. Saint Cloud Cathedral once again withstood the loss of another great talent to reach the State Class A tournament.

Warner is back, Smith is in good health and the Crusaders' makeup is as deep as ever as they try to defend their state title.

Smith had two goals and two assists, Warner scored one goal and three assists and Hockey finalist Blake Perbix added one goal and three assists as Cathedral hammered Mankato East / Loyola 11-2 Wednesday in a class A quarter final match at Xcel Energy. Center.

I think what has happened to all of this is that we can literally launch, like, seven different lineups, said Crusaders coach Derrick Brown. Even today, we changed lines in the middle of the period, and we can do it at any time because so many different guys came out (with injuries) that so many different guys had to play with each other. others. And not only in regular games, like playing high level Hermantown, playing Andover, Wayzata, Moorhead, etc.

Reid Bogenholm added a goal and two assists, University of Minnesota coach Bob Motzko's son Cullen Hiltner and Mack Motzko each scored and helped, and Ethan Cumming and CJ Zins each collected three assists for Cathedral (24-3-1). 2nd seed in the tournament which finished the season in first place in class A according to Lets Play Hockey.

In total, 13 different players had one point, and the 11 goals tied for the second most games for the Crusaders this season. They also started the playoffs with an 11-1 victory on the way to their ninth appearance in a state tournament since 1994.

Junior goalkeeper Grant Martin made nine saves after starting. Ian Strong replaced Martin in the middle of the third period and stopped the two shots he faced.

We have made a statement all year, said Perbix. We obviously eliminated Andover (the seeded n ° 1 of the class 2A tournament). We had some tough games, but these big games tested us and really prepared us for this weekend.

Jake Schreiber and Anthony Parker scored for Mankato East / Loyola (14-14-1), who makes his second appearance in a state tournament in three years after defeating the first and second seeded in the tournament. section.

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