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Rachael Heyhoe Flint Trophy Returns Alongside New Women’s Regional T20 Competition | Cricket News


Southern Vipers' Georgia Adams in action during her side's win in the final of the Rachael Heyhoe Flint Trophy at Edgbaston

Southern Vipers’ Georgia Adams in action during her side’s win in the final of the Rachael Heyhoe Flint Trophy at Edgbaston

Southern Vipers will defend the Rachael Heyhoe Flint Trophy this summer after it was confirmed that the tournament will continue to be named after the former England captain.

Vipers won the first edition of the regional 50-over competition – in recognition of Baroness Rachael Heyhoe Flint OBE’s contribution to cricket – and have now set their sights on the 2021 final, which will take place on September 25.

The competition will be played alongside a new Women’s Regional T20 tournament; It will start on June 26 and will consist of eight teams, divided into two groups of four.

Clare Connor, General Manager of Women’s Cricket, said: “This promises to be a truly memorable summer of women’s cricket.

“Not only do we plan to further professionalize the game with more full-time players than ever before, but most importantly, we will show our game to more young girls in England and Wales so they can say that cricket is a game for them.

The ECB reaffirmed its commitment to expanding the women’s game by hosting the Rachael Heyhoe Flint Trophy tournament

The ECB reaffirmed its commitment to expanding the women’s game by hosting the Rachael Heyhoe Flint Trophy tournament

“I am extremely proud that we will continue with the name of Rachael Heyhoe Flint, with everything she represented for women’s cricket firmly rooted in our journey.

“The launch of regional women’s cricket last summer, despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, was another significant step forward for our domestic game. We now look forward to seeing those regional teams play twice as much cricket this summer. with the addition of the T20 competition. “

Baroness Rachael Heyhoe Flint OBE led England in the first-ever World Cup in 1973, while her determination for equality off the field laid the foundation for the opportunities modern players had.

This summer, 41 female players have signed full-time professional domestic contracts – in addition to 17 centrally contracted English players – while the launch of The Hundred will create new opportunities for female cricketers.


(RHFT stands for Rachael Heyhoe Flint Trophy; WRC 20 stands for Women’s Regional Cricket T20)

12 June: Central Sparks vs Thunder, New Road – RHFT
12 June: Western Storm vs Southern Vipers, TB – RHFT

June 26: Lightning vs South East Stars, Trent Bridge – WRC 20
June 26: Central Sparks vs Southern Vipers, Edgbaston – WRC 20 (lit)
June 26: Northern Diamonds vs Thunder, Emerald Headingley – WRC 20
June 26: Western Storm vs Sunrisers, The Cooper Associates County Ground – WRC 20

July 2nd: Sunrisers vs Northern Diamonds, The Cloudfm County Ground – WRC 20 (lit)
3 July: South East Stars vs Central Sparks, TB, WRC 20
3 July: Southern Vipers vs Lightning, TB, WRC 20
3 July: Thunder vs Western Storm, not yet announced, WRC 20

July 9: Thunder vs Sunrisers, Emirates Old Trafford – WRC 20
10th of July: Lightning vs Central Sparks, to be determined – WRC 20
10th of July: South East Stars vs Southern Vipers, to be determined – WRC 20
10th of July: Western Storm vs Northern Diamonds, The Cooper Associates County Ground – WRC 20

August 25: South East Stars vs Lightning, subject to change – WRC 20
August 25: Southern Vipers vs Central Sparks, to be determined – WRC 20
August 25: Northern Diamonds vs Sunrisers, TB – WRC 20
August 25: Western Storm vs Thunder, Sophia Gardens – WRC 20

August 28: Central Sparks vs Lightning, New Road – WRC 20
August 28: Southern Vipers vs South East Stars, to be determined – WRC 20
August 28: Northern Diamonds vs Western Storm, Emirates Riverside – WRC 20
August 28: Sunrisers vs Thunder, The County Ground Northampton – WRC 20

August 30: Lightning vs Southern Vipers, The Incora County Ground – WRC 20
August 30: Central Sparks vs South East Stars, New Road – WRC 20
August 30: Sunrisers vs Western Storm, to be determined – WRC 20
August 30: Thunder vs Northern Diamonds, not yet announced – WRC 20

5 September: Final day to be determined – WRC 20

September 10: Northern Diamonds vs Western Storm, Emirates Riverside – RHFT
September 10: South East Stars vs Lightning, TB – RHFT
September 10: Sunrisers vs Central Sparks, TB – RHFT
September 10: Thunder vs Southern Vipers, TB – RHFT

September 12th: Northern Diamonds vs Thunder, Emirates Riverside – RHFT
September 12th: Central Sparks vs South East Stars, New Road – RHFT
September 12th: Western Storm vs Lightning, Bristol County Ground – RHFT
September 12th: Sunrisers vs Southern Vipers, TB – RHFT

September 18th: Lightning vs Central Sparks, TB – RHFT
September 18th: South East Stars vs Thunder, TB – RHFT
September 18th: Western Storm vs Sunrisers, Bristol County Ground – RHFT
September 18th: Southern Vipers vs Northern Diamonds, TB – RHFT

September 22: second vs third playoff, TB – RHFT

25th of September: Final, subject to change – RHFT

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