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National TT Championship | Top stars advance in contrasting style


As they warmed up for the bigger fights, all lead seeds were expected to advance to the round of 32, but what came as a surprise was that second seed G. Sathiyan dropped a match against Mizorams Jeho Himnakulhpuingheta in the national table tennis championship in Panchkula .

Sathiyans’ 4-1 win came after defending champion Harmeet Desai won by a similar margin against Yashansh Malik from Delhi.

Easily done

After top executive Sharath Kamal cleared Tamil Nadus Abinay Vijay Babu for losing just 20 points in four games, fourth-series Manav Thakkar was the only other top player to advance without dropping a game.

Former champion A. Amalraj, seeded nine, survived two match points against Soumyadeep Sarkar before going through 12-10, 7-11, 7-11, 11-8, 11-9, 9-11, 14-12, but 10th seed Jeet Chandra was not so lucky.

Left-handed Preyesh Raj, a former national junior champion from Tamil Nadu, trailed Jeet 11-9, 11-6, 8-11, 11-13, 11-6, 11-9. Later, Preyesh’s fellow countryman Ananth Devarajan almost lashed out Sourav Saha, who was placed 14th.

After taking a 2-0 lead, Ananth failed to hold the momentum and let Saha escape with a 7-11, 8-11, 11-7, 11-5, 11-3, 6-11, 11-6 victory .

Comeback man Soumyajit Ghosh dropped two games for Mohammad Ali, while another national champion Sanil Shetty dropped a game for Shankab Baruah.

Interesting combinations

On Monday, when three rounds are scheduled, Sharath is expected to face Ghosh in a highly anticipated quarter-final. Last year, Ghosh had ended an off-color Sharaths campaign. Should Sharath avenge that loss, he could meet last year’s Manav Thakkar for a final place.

In the last quarter of the draw, Sathiyan faces a tough test Manush Shah in the third round. Manush almost beat Sathiyan in the last edition of the championship. Sathiyans’ next rival could well be Sanil in the pre-quarter finals. The winner of their match could compete against Harmeet in the semi-finals.

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